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8 12 2001

7 5 2001 - Random thoughts, useless information.

  So here i am again writing silly words to get me through the day. Filling up paper with useless thoughts about her. Pray that the sun doesn't hide behind pale clouds and soon i'll be back on my feet. Ask yourself questions that others fear to know. The truth often comes in frail pigments, but only a soft heart can lull out the wimpering spirits. One day i'll understand myself, until then i'll try and enjoy the ride. These hallucinations randomly occur, but for safe's sake lets reflect on them as forthcoming visions. An earsplitting scream can drown out a tainted whisper, but the volume is just the half of it. Sometimes the visions of suicide turn to murder and i scare myself. Am i another helpless victim? Should i rely on society and its motor skilled influnces? Like the tree on the hillside, these roots hold in treacherous soil; let's hope i was born with high stamina.

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