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What does the carved stone at Nom’s feet in the Meadow inform the newest adventurers?
1. how to get the golden feather

Besides the golden feather, what else does the golden hawk in the Meadow carry?
2. a chunk of rabbit meat

Name three of the things Jim the peddler in the meadow sells.
3. Satchel, iron helmet, iron boots, iron girth, iron leggings, 
iron breastplate, iron sleeves, leather waterskin, deer blader, 
healing potion, small lantern

What is the name of the Meadow dog lying at its master’s feet?
4. Fred the Beagle

What area are the pixies in the Cult of Bonk planning to takeover?
5. The Meadow

What mob from the Dwarven Daycare is “obviously a reject from the factory”?
6. the ugly bear

What does the dragon at the end of the mini-maze in the Dwarven Daycare actually turn out to be?
7. a spoiled brat

What area did the toxins come from that caused the giant alligator in the Murky Lair to mutate?
8. The Mob Factory

What should someone tell the revolving drunk in the Mob Factory?
9. that he is a REVOLTING drunk

Name three things the goblins in the Goblin’s Pass disguise themselves as.
10. Boulder, log, tree, leaves, shrub

In Wayside, who has won the Village Idiot competition 3 months in a row?
11. Burt the brownie

In Wayside, what is the name of this mob: “A man with an ugly, scraggly, tangled, misshapen, poorly groomed, 

gnarled, lice infested, vile, knotted, twisted, repugnant, malodorous, unpleasant, malformed, greasey, nasty, 

crispy, food-covered beard is here.”?
12. Ugly-Beard the ex-pirate

Who do you give the funky root to while adventuring in Wayside?
13. Liam

Who is annoyed that the kobolds in Wayside are stealing the orchard apples?
14. Owen the Orchard-Owner

In the Pantheon Courtyard, what does the angry boy yell?

What does the sign leading to the Goblin Caverns and Mushroom Caves read?
16. Goblin Terry Torry!

What role has the goblin shaman in the Mushroom Caves taken on?
17. alchemist (mob description)

Why has the goblin king in the Mushroom Caves grown lazy and fat?
18. because of the mushroom brew

What connector area is directly west of the underground lake in Goblin Caverns?
19. River Tunnels

What area lies north of the underground lake in Goblin Caverns?
20. Valley of the Dogs

In the Valley of Dogs, what object is Foodles looking for?
21. his gold ball, at the bottom of the lake

In the Weeping, what does the hand of Jacros carry within it?
22. an ancient fae etching

What two things does the Village of Gnimh train its promising youth in?
23. diplomacy and scholarship

What kind of sandwich is the Zookeeper in the Petting Zoo eating?
24. a peanut butter and tuna sandwich
In the Petting Zoo, the Catakeet is made up of which 2 animals?
25. Cat and Parakeet

Why did Sol move to Stonehall?
26. to study under Nom

What is the Circus owner going to put on the poor white horse’s head?
27. a horn, to make a unicorn

Why are the Game Booths in the Circus currently closed?
28. dishonest activities perpetrated by the persons running the games

In the Oak Circle, what mobs do the sprites use as mounts?
29. the black and brown squirrels

What is the witch in the Witch’s Forest known to do to people?
30. sacrifice those who enter her forest (per the helpfile)

In Solace, to which mob do you pay your taxes and fines?
31. Town Clerk

In Solace, what DOESN’T Croben know?
32. how much each of his container holds

In Grunka's Kombat Skool, which spell is said to not be good to warm hands?
33. firball

In Grunka's Kombat Skool, which "goblin high art" has Grunka mastered?
34. fleeing

What is the pilgram's destination? The one walking the roads of Highway/Great Wall.
35. Golden Temple in Ofcol

What is the less than stellar nickname of the White Knight in the area Highway/Great Wall?
36. goody two shoes

What item can be found in this room:
You stand in a room of light.  Crystals gleam and almost blind you.
In the center of the room is a small pedestal.  And on that pedestal
is your prize.
37. Crystalmir belt

What area is this room in?
A round bowl surrounded by pines, this valley seems like a perfect
place to hold a meeting.  In the exact center of the valley is
a gigantic stone of white quartz.
38. Elemental Valley

Name at least 3 areas connected by the Underway Tunnels
39. Mt. Durr, Dwarven Daycare, Deephome, Wayside, Village of Gnimh

Which Solace shopkeeper houses a secret exit from the Orphanage?
40. Molin the brewer

Who is Fizzdop's servant?
41. Dosgog

Why must goblins visit the hobgoblin master in Ascension Woods?
42. To ascend into a hobgoblin.

In S.S. Mutgar, what does the item in the Smuggler's Hold do?
43. herbs -- refresh

In Elven foothills, what item is Nyad looking for you to give her?
the wreathe of water lililes

What does Baron Sarphyre do with the note you get from Nyad?
44. He tears it up.

In Morgan Vale, what spell does the pond cast on good-aligned players?
45. refresh

What action do you learn in Mudschool room 23? Name 1.
46. wear all, unlock south, look

What object details this history?
"...and when King Adrial and the True Fae left Midgaardia so very long
ago, the High Elves made wondrous creatures in diminutive likeness of
their Fae ancestors. Riel Sarphyre, greatest and most powerful of these
creations was granted the title of Baron, and rulership over the newly
formed races of Sprites, Pixies, and their ilk. The power of Sarphyre's
line has endured to this day.

Amier Sarphyre, the current Baron, used part of this power to create
this court, and underground refuge for himself and his courtiers from
the attacks of the harpies of Lloth's Peak."
47. ancient book

List the three keywords needed to see the OLD map in Darii's Kitchen.
48. old faint lines

What area is this mob in?
Black and blood red swirl on the canvas.  With
a fresh paint look, the red seems to glisten like
wounds.  If you look closely you think you see
a shape being outlined.  You want to see what it
could be but who knows what might happen to your
mind if you actually figure out what it is.
49. Fizzdop's Lair

What it is the name of "key" needed to escape from the darklin hole?
50. a rodent's claw