This is Dexter Dog, my anti-muse.
As you can probably tell, when I write, I write from a very dark, cold place.
Sometimes, I sink into a pit that I can't seem to crawl out of.
Thats where my anti-muse comes in.

You see, in my worst spells, I can't even stand the sight of people, much less their company.
Dexter Dog is the only compainion I can tolerate at times like this.
Lucky for me (and everyone else) Dexter Dog is the most cheerfull, happy, upbeat creature alive.
When Dex decides to cheer you up, cheery you will get, even if it takes all day (and all of his cuteness).

Since Dexter is clearly the unsung hero of my artistic efforts, here is the basic info on my anti-muse.

Dexter's Favorite Things:

Squeaky Duck: Dexter loves squeakies of all sorts, but Ducky is his absolute favorite

Chewy Bones: You know those rawhide chew bones you buy for doggies to play with?
Well, Dexter does more than play with them, he devours them. Each one is good for about six hours before he has eaten the whole thing.
Also, he does a little dance when you give him a chewy bone.

Popcorn: Dexter loves to eat, and will eat almost everything except cucumbers, but his favorite treat is popcorn.

Now you know the dog behind the poet.

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