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Eminem's my inspiration, what's yours?

WOW! its been quite a while. I never really have time to write. I never take the time anymore. Things have been going pretty great for me. I'm in college, going into psychology and such and yeah. Hah I used to be such a dork. I might start writing again. I'm not sure. Just gotta see what happens. I'm just really busy and everything. All the porn and advertisements are in my guestbook! yuck! I hope real people actually go on here and appreciate my work.
October 8th, 2003 updates--well its been a really long time since i last wrote. but i just wrote a new poem. yea i know finally. The poem is called I used to Think. I made it up in like 5 minutes. Its pretty good i think. i dont know. oh yeah some new things are I changed my links on here. And also i have a journal now. in my personal life school has started and I have a boyfriend but I dont think its gonna last cuz yea im upset with him and we always fight and i'm tired of it. Anyways yea. Have fun with the new poem.
july 17th 2003 updates---eerrr still depressed. boys suck! they can all suck my magic CLIT!!!!!!!!! haha fag. ar er theres no such thing as love!
may 21 updates-----depressed as fuck still!! haha and i havent been writing how sad.
march 24th updates---haha middle of march. its bad. i've been a lil depressed. ok kinda a lot! so shit happens. i need to start writing. and I am ANTI WAR
february 28th updates---haha i don't quit anymore now that bad shit is going on and i've had such a terrible week. but i guess i'll get over it by the time that the middle of march comes around. wait thats a good song title! the middle of march. haha dibs on that shit. well i kind of am outta it and i wrote some of a song..turned out perdy good actually. and its up cuz i typed it When It's Over - NEW almost done song
february 1st updates---ok some updates kinda...well i sorta quit song writing... i mean its not my thing now really..
i cant write thats all! i suck so much!! i dont have the time or inspiration im just too emotional and cant put it into motivational words and just i guess growing up. thats all i can say. but if i ever do get the inspiration back then maybe just maybe you'll see some work on here.
december 11th updates---hey well i wrote a new song that shall be up sooner or later. I mean I haven't been updating and shit. I havent had much time to write cuz of school and all. so hopefully i can get some inspiration. cuz i really like this one guy and i dont think anything will happen between us. last year it could of but this year...i dont think so. =(
november 6th updates---wow. I haven't updated for a while. I don't even know if I wrote anything new. I'm gonna try and think of some shit though. Cuz I'm fallin head ova heels for my old crush again. yikes! He so damn fine though.
october 16th updates---from the damage is really trying to enspire me right now. lol!! its my boys song!!! my ashley wrote it!! my baby boo!! i love that guy to death! ok well anyways ill try to write tonight. I might just get some stuff about how people are rude and dont care about poor lil kids in the hospital who cant go out and trick or treating. yea but anyways lol. ill try and write yea so, hopefully i can write some neato stuff like my baby buddy ash.
october 15th updates---Not much goin on. Just workin on some songs. Haven't really been workin too hard cuz havent been thinkin too much and i need help in writing. Oh I have a clip of Eyes Closed So Tight. To hear a clip click here
october 12th updates---I've been writing lil things lately. A new song for Ash and a song to Tommy!! Oh yea oh yea. And now I have a new thing. Song of the month!! So this month's song is "Eyes Closed So Tight" by Vi3. I'll have a clip of that up soon and lyrics. Its so great, Justin is sucha great composer not even funny.
october 8th updates---WROTE MY FIRST FULL LENGTH SONG TODAY!! WOOHOO! IM SO PROUD. IT TOOK ME NOT SO LONG. It isnt that great but i'm only an amateur so dont expect anything really great. so I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY NEW SONG WHATEVER HAPPENED TO..
october 7th updates---I actually wrote a song!!!! yay!! well its not complete. I think i still need to write a chorus and some other stuff. im not sure if i wrote the whole chorus. lol but anyways i wanted to write another song. i probably will in my room while im chillin and shit. its all good.
october 2nd updates---well ive been havin a really bad week, so expect a lot of depressing songs to be written by me.
september 22nd---i finally got a blank notebook where I can write al my songs and stuff!! I can't wait!! I'm already thinking of song titles. it's great. tomorrow is erik's birthday!!! yay!
september 19th updates---not much. damn im pissed! i havent been writing. I like want to write in school but theres no time! Maybe when I get home..I'll write tomorrow or at least try to.
september 15th updates---not much going on. love life=bad guy dont like me treats me like shit that bout it. oh yea i gotta get writing i miss it. so on weekdays ill be writing and puttin stuff on here on the weekends. so it all good
updates for september 4th---oh geesh. i've wrote so much kind of i think since i last updated. and i'll be writing more. i just been busy and actually happy. so i love my life and everyone in it. lol. i'm gettin all emotional. oh yea i luv that girl Kelly from American Idol and I'm so glad she won! You go Girl!!!
august 20th updates--i got stood up today by that one guy i liked so much. =( I just wanna cry forever. I hate this so much. im gonna probably write some songs tody cuz im i sucha depressed mood right now.
august 15th updates---geesh ness get a hold of yourself. boys are not the whole world they arent that great. lol. ok now. that uy is all right i guess but anyways ths page is about songs and poems i write not guys i like!! by the way if u wanna see his pic click here . haha i feel so sick and nauseated. ugh. its funny that one guy on the princess diaries actually has a band in real life and he does in the movie too! That's awesome.
august 14th updates---oh its a wonderful day isn't it? I'm just so happy today even though my tummy keeps bothering me and saying to my mind and moth to throw up. But that's ok. Do you know what it feels like to be tod your cute sch a hot guy? And how he says sweet stuff to you? oh my gosh. lol. damn i'm already getting really attached to this guy. An hour and a half later.... lol. that guy isnt too great now. he begged me to call him so i did and he ended up talking to me for like 5 minutes!! me upset now.
august 13th updates---today i will be adding 2 of my songs that ive talked about in recent omg i just really love this song called no such things by john mayer. good singer and songwriter. well at least i think he wrote this song.
august 11th updates---well i had another kind of long trip today. going to the store getitng my o-town cereal box. I think I wrote a lil few things. And like way early in the morning the other day i started writing my first real song. I got a chorus! lol. I think I might start nother song in like an hour thats gonna end up being tomorrow way early in the morning. Like with a bridge and shit. or someting.
august 10th updates---i didn't really update today. but im getting some new feelings about certain things that may enspire me to write. so will see what happens!
august 9th updates---Ok well I added 2 new songs today from that long car trip to Wisconsin. They're all right. The two songs are Close/Shut Your Eyes and See Through You. Enjoy! =)
august 8th updates---not much to update. i had a long not quite boring but making me sick trip to wisconsin. we drove there and came back the same day. so i got to write some stuff. so that really rocked.
august 5th updates---Like the new style?? Its all right I guess. My creative juices are coming back. things are popping up now.
august 2nd updates---My creative juices are empty as of now. I need to start listening to some stuff or something! august 1st updates---HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TO ASHLEY ANGEL OF O-TOWN!


july 31st updates---not much new. I might write later on today. I just can't really think now. it's been a long day kind of.
july 29th updates---Just added a guestbook. oh i feel so special now! Well please give me comments and stuff. I'd really appreciate it! Scroll down for the guestbook.
july 28th updates---Put some new stuff up. So look at the section that says parts of songs or whutever its called. I might be changing the look of the site soon. HAHA!! I actually do have a new song thats not complete so I'll be posting it.

july 27th--I haven't updated in a long time. I really havent had the chance to write any new songs, cause not really any new emotions and experiences have happened to me. lol. I think I wrote something new snce the 13th though. I was listening to that song omplicated and its really written well. And I like the music. So sometimes I just hear the music in my head and make up my own words to go alng with it. YAY! I'm starting to become a musical genius. lol. Cause mostly every good songwriter will hear music first then write down words. I think thats easier then just coming up with words. Then you know the write words that go with the music. So then the music takes people to what it meant to you and what it got you thinking about when you heard it. AWESOME!! I should write about that one crazed lunatic who kept writing that shes ashley angels cousin and that he's her's. HILLBILLY! Calling me a whore and stuff. I don't know how people can do that. But anyways I got to get creative. Maybe I'll start teaching myself how to play the piano again. Because I know all the basic stuff. It's way easy. And I think I'm goingto try guitar again. Cause I bought my acoustic like in 5th grade and I never even worked hard enough to try and play it. I have tried but the book I got wasn't working too great for me. And when I tried to play the easy songs like yankee doodle i didnt sound right. And I know my guitar is tuned right and all. thats its for today! Ok well I'm i a rather odd mood now. lol. But I'm going to still be songwriting. Because now everything went over my head lol. Some lies and shit going on. Very Weird things going on here. I'm almost done with a new song that I just started. I just need a couple more lines in between when the chorus is done. And also I already thought up a new song that I'm going to write. It's called Crying.
And I need a pen name! I've thought up so many. lol. There's nessa, nessi, vaness, vanessa, BBnessa, big baby, and thats it. lol I might stick with nessa or go with bbnessa or big baby. but that's not too professional.

Hey all.
Well I decided to make a poem/song page.
Since so may emotions have been coming out of me for a while. And I've never really gotten to elaborate on my songs and poems.
I just basically wrote lines that looked good to be in a song. And once I actually wrote full song. And I've wrote many full poems.
Never Thought- by me
Today was just that day
To turn and walk away
The tears just had to come this way
Why'd I have to get up the same way
Still can't see how this was to be
This had to happen to me
Never thought this could be
Never thought this would happen to me
Never thought this would ever end.

well I'll add more tomorrow, cuz I'm kinda depressed now and can't think of words that match. But i like it so far. I just thought off the top of my head this song right now. All the lyrics and everything. Maybe I'll get music for it. And I guess I'll dd my other song I wrote and poems on here.
coming soon: new songs. Believe me theyre either aleady done or I'm almost done with them. I just need to start putting them up.

copyright: NESSA 2002

|||SONGS:The Dedicaion Song ||| Fragments of soon to Become Songs ||| Can't Let Go ||| No Feeling ||| See Through You ||| Close/Shut Your Eyes ||| I Realize ||| Whatever Happened To.. ||| POEMS: I Used to Think |||You're the One ||| Together ||| The Singer ||| When I Met You ||| Goodbye
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