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~*~My TwIsTeD Theories~*~

Welcome to my little corner of the web... this web site is mostly about me, my friends, and poetry. Hope ya like it if not then don't come back!

Hey, my name is Kelsey im 17 and I live in Lakeland Florida... it sux! My favorite thing to do is sleep im very good at it, ask any 1 of my friends. If ya wanna talk to me have somebody wake me up! I love talking on the phone as well, as long as you have some thing to talk about....ummm I can be very loud and outgoing or the quietest shyest person in the room, I guess it just depends on who im around! lol well ima stop boring you with stuff about me and tell ya about my friends! Cya

nothing new really...

~*~A Lil' More About Me~*~

I live in Lakeland with my mom and step-dad. I go to the Collegiate High School at Polk Community College. It is a new High School at the college we have our own teachers office staff pricipal and all that fun stuff but we also get the oppurtunity to attend college and get college credits. I've just recently changed my major to art because i love it...i want to design web pages one day and or do computer animation...
I don't really have an interesting life.... i mostly work go to school, and hang out with my boyfriend Chris, and go to the occasional party....
My boyfriend and i have been going out almost two months. He's the greatest! The only thing that sucks is he lives in inverness but its ok cause i love him!

I love animals i have four dogs and two cats. 3 of the dogs are St. Bernards and the other one is a siberian husky...