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Birthday Gift for a Special Someone

A present recieved in the mail,

A note written that has been lying on your pillow,

A box with nothing in it but full of love,

This is what I am sending you.

You may not hear or see it,

But you can feel it.

It is love.

The note has nothing written on it,

But it is a page wriiten full with ink.

The box you recieved is empty,

Yet it is full of glorius things one can not dream of,

The gift you recieved in the mail is empty,

You are puzzled at the thought of all this.

Though we sit around the table,

And wait while someone brings in the cake,

They light the candles,

And the people were sitting around you at the table,

They start singing that song that everyone knows,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear special someone,

Happy Birthday to you.

Then the littlest one starts singing,

You live in a zoo,

You look like a monkey,

And you smell like one too.

You start to bubble over laughing,

And finally you realize,

Why you got those empty items,

And you remeber that they are here to celebrate,

Their love for you,

Because they love you and they want you to know that.

Happy Birthday Special Someone,

Happy Birthday to you.
