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"In Loving Memory of Our Little Angel"

Randa Ann Elizabeth Lang

June 11, 2003 (41 weeks gestation)


We took your picture

We hugged you tight

We kissed your forehead and said good-night

You weren't coming home to sleep in your bed

You were going to be an angel instead

We dream of things we'll never do like kissing, hugging, and playing with you..

Though we love you dearly and we let it show

We never had a chance to watch you grow..

We'll never see your smiling face or have a chance to hear your cry..

We'll never understand why our little girl really had to die..

Your life was so precious yet you never got to live

Instead to the Lord your soul we had to give..

I have so many memories and the rest they have so few, but all of them are special because they are of you..

~We Love You So Much Randa

Mommy, Daddy, Corey, Devin, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, & Cousins~

You Have The Chance

I never had the chance to say hello or goodbye,

I never had the chance to laugh or even cry.

I never had the chance to snuggle with you so tight,

I never had the chance to wake you in the night.

I never had the chance to see this world of pain,

I never had the chance to see a summer rain.

I never had the chance to see your smiling face,

I never had the chance to sing Amazing Grace.

You have the chance to see me once more,

You have the chance to know me through Heaven's open door.

You have the chance to hear my voice call your name,

You have the chance to hold me once again.

So when you arrive at Heaven's Golden door,

Tell the Angels you are here to see me once more.

Look for me at the feet of Jesus where I play and where I rest,

I'll be waiting for you, So give the Lord your best!

~ Pastor Jim Davidson ~

Written for Randa on the day of her funeral.

God's Ray Of Sunshine

Keep God's ray of sunshine

Cradled in your heart;

Every hour of every day,

Let it be a part.

That when the day is sunless

And skies have lost their blue,

This blessed ray of sunshine

Will keep a-shining through.

Keep God's ray of sunshine

Safely tucked away

In the confines of your heart;

Let it there remain

That when the rains fall heavy

And storms come by the way,

Dispelled will be the darkness

As forth will shine God's ray.

~ Loise Pinkerton Fritz ~

An Angel Never Dies

Don't let them say I wasn't born,

That something stopped my heart

I felt each tender squeeze you gave,

I've loved you from the start.

Although my body you can't hold,

It doesn't mean I'm gone,

This world was worthy, not of me,

God chose that I move on.

I know the pain that drowns your soul,

What you are forced to face.

You have my word, I'll fill your arms,

Someday we will embrace.

You'll hear that it was "meant to be,

God doesn't make mistakes,"

But that won't soften your worst blow,

Or make your heart not ache.

I'm watching over all you do,

Another child you'll bear,

Believe me when I say to you,

That I am always there.

There will come a time, I promise you,

When you will hold my hand,

Stroke my face and kiss my lips,

And then you'll understand.

Although I've never breathed your air,

Or gazed into your eyes

That doesn't mean I never "was"

An angel never dies.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~


When God calls little Angels to dwell with Him above

We mortals sometime question the wisdom of His love,

For no heartache compares with the death of one small child,

Who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild.

Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to his fold.

So he picks a rose bud, before it can grow old.

God knows how much we need them, and so He takes but a few

To make the land of Heaven more beautiful to view.

Believing this is difficult, still somehow we must try.

The saddest word mankind knows, will always be "goodbye".

So when a little child departs, we who are left behind must realize God loves children & angels are hard to find.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

You Never Said Goodbye

You never said I'm leaving

You never said goodbye

You were gone before I knew it,

And only God knew why

A milion times I needed you,

A million times I cried

If love alone could have saved you,

You never would have died

In life I loved you dearly

In death I love you still

In my heart you hold a place,

That no one could ever fill

It broke my heart to lose you,

But you didn't go alone

For part of me went with you,

The day God took you home.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

Angel Wings

A precious angel slipped away, no one heard a cry.

No time for Daddy and Mommy to sing me lullabies.

My time with you was much too short, I had to leave too soon.

But love had joined us as I grew inside my Mommy's womb.

It wove its way within our hearts, in all our hopes and dreams.

Until the very purest love, became my tiny wings.

Although I could not stay with you, I knew right from the start.

That once you felt your angel's love you'd keep me in your hearts.

I'm just a little angel but my time was not undone.

As dark clouds that surround you give way unto the sun.

My precious parents you will see that any heart will sing.

If only for a moment it is brushed with angel's wings.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

What Is A Mother

I thought of you and closed my eyes and prayed to God today.

I asked what makes a Mother, and I know I heard him say.

A Mother has a baby, this we know is true.

But God, can you be a Mother when your baby’s not with you?

Yes, you can He replied, with confidence in His voice

I give many women babies when they leave is not their choice.

Some I send for a lifetime and others for a day.

And some I send to fill your womb, but there’s no need to stay.

I just don’t understand this, God, I want my baby here.

He took a breath and cleared His throat, and then I saw a tear.

I wish I could show you, what your child is doing today.

If you could see your child smile with other children and say

We go to Earth to learn our lessons of love and life and fear.

My Mommy loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here.

I feel so lucky to have a Mom who had so much love for me.

I learned my lesson very quickly, my Mommy set me free.

I miss my Mommy oh so much, but I visit her each day.

When she goes to sleep, on her pillow’s where I lay.

I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear.

Mommy, don’t be sad today, I’m your baby and I’m here.

So you see my dear sweet one, your children are OK.

Your babies are here in my home, and this is where they’ll stay.

They’ll wait for you with Me until your lesson is through.

And on the day that you will come home, they’ll be at the gates for you.

So now you see what makes a Mother, it’s the feeling in your heart.

It’s the love you had so much of right from the very start.

Though some on Earth may not realize you’re a Mother until their time is done.

They’ll be up here with Me one day, and know you’re the best one!

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

My Mom Is a Survivor

My Mom is a survivor, Or so I've heard it said.

But I can hear her crying when all others are in bed.

I watch her lay awake at night and go to hold her hand.

She doesn't know I'm with her to help her understand.

But like the sands upon the beach that never wash away...

I watch over my surviving mom, who thinks of me each day.

She wears a smile for others...a smile of disguise.

But through heaven's open door I see tears flowing from her eyes.

My Mom tries to cope with my death to keep my memory alive.

But anyone who knows here knows it's her way to survive.

As I watch over my surviving mom through heaven's open door...

I try to tell her angels protect me forevermore.

I know that doesn't help her...or ease the burden she bears.

So if you get a chance, call to her...and show her that you care.

For no matter what she matter what she feels

My surviving mom has a broken heart, that time won't ever heal.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~


If we could have a lifetime wish

A dream that would come true,

We'd pray to God with all our hearts

For yesterday and You.

A thousand words can't bring you back

We know because we've tried...

Neither will a thousand tears

We know because we've cried...

You left behind our broken hearts

And happy memories too...

But we never wanted memories

We only wanted You.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

In Our Hearts

We thought of you with love today.

But that is nothing new.

We thought about you yesterday.

And days before that too.

We think of you in silence.

We often speak your name.

Now all we have is memories.

And your picture in a frame.

Your memory is our keepsake.

With which we'll never part.

God has you in his keeping.

We have you in our heart..

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

Memories Build a Special Bridge

Our memories build a special bridge

when loved ones have to part

to help us feel we're with them still

and sooth a grieving heart.

Our memories span the years we shared,

preserving ties that bind,

They build a special bridge of love

and bring us peace of mind.

~ Emily Matthews ~

A Little Room In Heaven

Theres a little room in heaven

with windows all around,

for you my precious baby

to look down on this ground.

From your little room in Heaven,

you're not far at all from me,

for my precious little darling-

you're in my memory.

So my precious little baby-

be happy, and someday you will see,

someone will be holding you,

and that someone will be me.

Momma never will forget you,

with your little eyes so blue,

the way you turned your little head,

and looked me through and through.

So until that house in heaven

has an extra room for me,

I'll keep you locked up in my heart

and in my memory.

~ Author Unknown To Me ~

The Master Gardener

The Master Gardener

From Heaven above,

Planted a seed

In the garden of love.

And from it there grew

A rosebud small,

That never had time

To open at all.

For God in His perfect

And all-wise way,

Chose this rose

For his heavenly bouquet.

And great was the joy

Of this tiny rose,

To be the one our Father chose.

To leave Earth's garden

For One on high,

Where roses bloom always

And never die...

So, while you can't see

Your precious rose bloom,

You know The Great Gardener,

From the "Upper Room"

Is watching and tending

This wee rose with care,

Tenderly touching

Each petal so fair...

So think of your Darling

With the Angels above,

Secure and contented

And surrounded by love,

And remember God blessed

And enriched your lives, too,

For in dying, your Darling

Brought Heaven closer to you!

~ Helen Rice Steiner ~

Angel ~ The Child Born Still

An angel once lay 'neath my heart,

A promise of life to come;

My little babe, was resting there,

Yet, would not follow me home.

My tiny, precious angel,

Had plans unknown to all,

For my Angel heard the voice of God,

And hastened to His call.

My Angel flew on fragile wings,

Into the Father's arms;

To slumber there in peaceful rest,

Untouched by earthly harms.

So, slumber there my precious child,

Till I can come to you;

I'll keep you here, deep in my heart,

Till my journey on earth is through.

~ Allison Chambers Coxsey ~

What Is A Girl ?

Little girls are the nicest things that can happen to people. They are born with a

little bit of angel shine about them and thought it wears thin sometimes there is

always enough to lasso your heart - even when they are sitting in the mud or

vcrying tmeperamental tears or parading up the street in Mother's best clothes.

A little girl can be sweeter ( and badder ) lftener than anyone else in the world.

She can jitter around and stomp and make funny noises that frazzel your nerves

yet just when you are aboiut to poen your mother she stands there demure with

that special look in her eyes. A girl is Innocence playing in the mud,

Beauty standing on it's heard and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot. Girls

are available in five colors, black - white - red - yellow - and brown, yet Mother

Nature always manages to select your favorite color when you place your order.

They disprove the law of supply and demand - there are millions of little girls

but each is as precious as rubies. A little girl likes new shoes, party dresses,

small animals, first grade, noise makers, the girl next door, dolls, make believe,

dancing lessons, ice cream, kitchens, coloring books, make - up, cans of water,

going visiting, tea parties, and one boy. She doesn't care much for visitors, boys

in general, large dogs, hand - me - downs, straight charis, vegetables, snow suits,

or staying in the front yard. She is loudest when you are thinking, prettiest when

she has provoked you, and the busiest at bedtime, she is the quietest when you

want her to show off, and the most flirtatious when she absolutely must not get

the best of you again. Who else can cause you more grief, joy, irritation,

embarrassment, and geniuine delight than this combination of Eve, Salmone,

and Florence Nightingale. She can muss up your home, hair, and your dignity -

spend your money, time, and your temer - then just when your patience is ready

to crack, her sunshine peeks through and you've lost again. Yes, she is a nerve

wracking nuisance just a noisy bundle of mischief, But when your dreams

tumble down and the world is a mess - when it seems you are pretty much of a

fool after all - she can make you a king when she climbs on your knee and

whispers, " I Love You Best Of All".

~ Alan Beck ~

Randa’s Heavenly Journey

A little angel went to Heaven one day

Now in God’s playground she will forever play,

Running too and fro with all the angels up there

Life is beautiful with never a care.

She is missed on earth by her mom and her dad

Who wish more time with her they would have had,

But God needed her in His garden on high

To bloom and brighten the darkest night sky.

One year ago she was called home

The golden streets of Heaven to forever roam,

We miss you little one forever and a day

But in Heaven we know you must always stay.

Randa has grown since going to the land above

Though we wish she were still here for us to love,

One day we will all be together again

And live happily together on God’s golden strand.

For Amber on Randa’s heavenly anniversary

By Jarrett’s Mom