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Collection of my mind

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I would like to dedicate this page and contents to my grandmother. We had some good times and some really bad ones but no matter what I love you and miss you so much that it hurts sometimes, but like the man you rasied and taught i will hold my head up and let not one tear drop. R.I.P.

A quick shoutout to Tim and Rick you guys are the best and realist brothers a young and confused man could have thanks for always having my back even when my judgement was impaired.

My lil brother Brent, I missed several years of your life that i hope we have made up in the last three. I am very proud of you for doing what you want. With a independent mind like yours you will make it far. Much love and good luck in the Air Force.


I've seen many men die, sometimes i have been held in a womens' hand. I come with a bang, you go with a thud. so sit back and I'll tell you the history of the gun.

The Chinese gave the influence, The white man gave me reason, ever since its been load, cock, and blow.

I was there when the armada sank, all the way to hell, I was even there when Columbus set sail.

I was there when the natives sat scared, even when they resisted, they couldn't break my stare.

I sailed to Africa, and destroyed homes, many lives missing many more stoled.

I was the first to hear, "The shot heard around the world",the revolution would have been nothing, if I was never born.

I was there when the White House burnt to the ground, when peace was nothing but a sound.

I was there when Hong Kong became British, and when the French hanged King Louis and America did the same to witches.

I witnessed the civil war, when we gave back God givin rights, I even watch Lincoln die that night.

I was there when Nicholas fell, and the reason that Lenin could stand his gound.

I was the reason Mussolini could stand tall, but I also help make the Nazis fall.

I was bigger during World War 2, and help the men fight hard to save Pearl Harbor from doom.

I was in the korean war, and saw many men turn cold, now I stand guard DMZ, i am the enforcer.

I really killed Kennedy, and from Saigon to Ireland, China to South Africa, Persian Gulf to Columbia. Hell I even tried to kill the Pope.

So god bless the world, and may everyone know, that I am the only one that will surive a war.


Life as funny as it may be, sometimes your up sometimes your down, but no matter which way your looking you can't always see.

A baby in a cradle, looks so calm, but life is never that stable.

Things can happen in a blink, just like drinking your martini, just before your boat sinks.

A thief in the night, like out in Cali, don't know you carry a knife when you walk down a dark ally.

A phone call to tell you a love one has only hours to live, and you sit back and wonder, is it because you have sinned.

Walking into work, and your boss is being obnoxious, so shove him and hit him until he is unconscious.

These are the things you can never see, so instead of sitting back and wondering, you should just let it be.
