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January 4th

I arrived at the nursing home about 12:45pm I introduced
myself to the lady at the front desk, told her of my intensions
and she gave me an approval. I started down the hallways talking
to any one who invited me in to talk to them. Mostly we spoke of
their children or where that came from. I used this day as a kind of
getting to know you time. I met many lovely people who were
lonely and needed to just have some one to visit them. With many
we spoke of Jesus and how great it is to have a savior. With some
I read a few lines of scripture. Something that I felt might be
pertinent to them. I stayed at the home until 4:30 that afternoon.
I did not want to leave but time was getting late and it was near
their suppertime. The time I was there seemed to rush by so fast.
I left with mixed emotions. I had sadness for the troubles of some
of the people that lived there, and a feeling of elation. I am anxious
to go back next week.

For the reader of this.

If you have
anyone aunt, uncle, father, mother, or a friend, who is in one of these
facilities, please try to keep in touch with them. Visit often, send
a post card, and make that phone call. Their lives are filled with
very little contact with the outside world. It Means the whole
world to them just to hear your voice or get that post card. It is
the least you can do that means the most to them.

January 11.

Running late, morning class is until 11:30 Bit I
got back to the nursing home at 1:15 after grabbing something
to eat. I revisited many of the people I saw last time and met a
few new ones. I am still amazed at the people I meet there. They
all have stories to tell and after a few minutes they are want to
share many of their experiences with me. The loneliness is
apparent in many of the patients. Then there are some extraordinary
People there. Again I urge you. Give friends there call, a letter a
post card. It means so much to them. Pictures of their grand
children and also things they will cherish these things. Some
have picture galleries that near cover a large space on the
wall near them. Free some time and go visit if your close.
Thank you.

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