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A Christmas Story

Christmas is a special time of year this is true. Everyone
darting around, buying gifts, preparing for a big meal, Cutting
corners to get everything done. All this is good to a point. Let
us not cut corners on the real reason for the season.
Christ the savior Jesus’ birth is the reason why we celebrate
Christmas. Keep Him in the celebration of the holiday. Let us
not get so busy we cant see the fallacy of forgetting
that Christ was born. He came to save us from sin. Born
of humble beginnings to a woman of a lower statute in
life. He is called the Christ, Messiah, God with us.
Let that thought stay with us in the days before
Christmas, and through out the holiday season
No, Let us remember this every day of the year.

Does God Answer Prayer?

Well I ask you to judge for your self. I called my parent’s
house this thanksgiving.
I have been estranged from my parents and siblings
since 2001. The reasons are way to long to explain here.
Also they are unimportant to the story. After five minutes of
getting “chewed out” I was matter-of-factly informed my
mother had died. This cause me much anguish and pain I had
not seen her since 1997 and had not spoken to her since 2001.
I did my crying silently and by my self most of the time. I
always go to church every Sunday. I Prayed at home and in
church to myself at home, with others in church and with a
Prayer companion. My Prayers were of my mothers Salvation
the remorse or the rest of the family and for comfort of everyone
who has suffered losses of family or friends. I also Prayed for a
reuniting of my children and my self as they too I have not heard
from since the break of myself and my Ex. I have tried to contact
my son now for over 18 months but he changed his email address.
I heard nothing of my prayers nor did any come to be. Last Monday
I received an e-mail from my son. Out of the blue as they say.

The Outcome

He gave me his Phone number and I called and had a long talk.
That was very rewarding I gave him my number and the following
day My Ex. Called and told me of the new marriage and how well
they were doing. Jack and his new wife are having their Christmas
vacation in Boston Ma. I am very happy to hear that and we had
a long talk and exchanged pleasantries I have a good feeling now,
all is well. The following day I received another call and got the
numbers of my daughters whom I have not spoken to since 2001.
I called Kim in Kansas and we had a long pleasant talk. This
Morning I receive a phone call from Cherice my other daughter.
All my prayers. and concerns have come to pass. There is even
hope of contact with my father who I have not spoken with since
2001. Now I ask you to Judge for your self. Does God
answer prayer? I say yes, how say you all? .
My Next Step

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