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"In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have." Lee Iacocca


Lesson plan  and Instructor: Mr. Maurice Farmer, Jr.

The lesson Plan for Ethiopia


Level of Education grade 8

Welcome Mr. Farmers 8th grade class! Today you will be learning about Ethiopia and Ethiopian people and places. Everything you need is on this page. Keep a list of key terms as you go. Pay attention and have fun!

Overview : On this assignment students will give the geographical locations of the different places of Ethiopia. Students will also be able to point to Ethiopia on the map. Students will be challenged to think about how how many tribes live in their own country and students will also  be asked as a class to create a map of Ethiopia pointing out the very important parts of the map.

Time: 12:30- 2:35

Required  Tools: Computer with Internet, Paper and pencil, Text Book, Copy of the map of Ethiopia, and thinking cap.

Online Resources:

CIA Factbook

State Department

National Geographic

The Four Traditions Of Geography and Plans

Earth Science Tradition: Students will be able to describe the physical geography of Ethiopia after locating different area of Ethiopia.

Man Land Tradition: Students will be able to follow names and give the geographic location of each place assigned to the map of Ethiopia.

Area Studies Tradition: Students will be assessed on their description of the the map of Ethiopia. The students will also be able to distinguish how the Ethiopian map looks and each tribe by the listing. And also describe the population of Ethiopia.

Spatial Tradition: Students will be assessed on the density and population of Ethiopia. Students will also use the map to determine the maps, location, and movement.

Geography Standards Used

Standard 1 : How to Use Maps and Other Geographic Representations, Tools, and Technologies to Acquire, Process, and Report Information From a Spatial Perspective- when students create their own maps of Ethiopia.

Standard 3 : How to Analyze the Spatial Organization of People, Places, and Environments on Earths Surface- when students identify places on the map and think about location of different tribes.

Standard 9: The Characteristics, Distribution, and Migration of Human Population on Earths Surface- when students look at the population and how they group.

Standard 12: The Processes, Patterns, and Functions of Human Settlement- when students discuss places, cities, and groups of people of Ethiopia.


1 Students will focus on the different locations of Ethiopia

2 Students will be able to discuss aloud what they have learned about Ethiopia. They are encouraged to integrate all new terms that they discover into their discussion.

3 Students will point out Ethiopia with a ruler on the map of the world and a map of Africa on the overhead.

4 Students will determine how the Ethiopian populations people are grouped. This includes cities, tribes and total population.

End of class Student assessment

Did the student participate? 1-5

Could student point out Ethiopia on the map? 1-10

Could student discuss the different traditions of geography? 1-10

Could student talk about the population of Ethiopia? 1-10