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Awakening From my Darkest Dream

Monday, 13 June 2005

here is something.

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 8:29 AM
Updated: Monday, 13 June 2005 8:34 AM
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Tuesday, 12 April 2005

I am almost out of time...
Now Playing: vnv nation -left behind
I am finally realizing that my time is almost up...i have many tasks to accomplish in very little time. i have to move out by july....i have never had a job, but i need one within the next month. i need a car but cant afford the insurance until i get a job. this means i need a job with in walking distance...most of the places near my house require previous experience so all i can do is try...i really wish i was dead...

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 3:47 PM
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I am almost out of time...
Now Playing: vnv nation -left behind
I am finally realizing that my time is almost up...i have many tasks to accomplish in very little time. i have to move out by july....i have never had a job, but i need one within the next month. i need a car but cant afford the insurance until i get a job. this means i need a job with in walking distance...most of the places near my house require previous experience so all i can do is try...i really wish i was dead...

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 3:46 PM
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Tuesday, 1 February 2005

Fucking Shit Head Bastards In K-hole is the lastest story of my exciting and adventurous life in the K-hole..

So I broke up with this girl we will call "lindy" (lol)..any way after we break up she comes over for the next 3 months like every other day...(it woulda been every but she lived outside of town..)its like we are going out so the love seed is planted and watered. so one time while frying we had a metaphorical talk and she told me "her car was leaving the gas station.." I told her to "wait" since my ride was on its way.. Then she had to go visit a relative the folling week. so she took her really nice keyboard away even though she said i could use it till my b-day. so she left and was gone for a week or two.during this time i watered the plant since she couldnt.. when she came back she didnt call after a few days i called her but she never returned my calls.. Just when I allowed myself to fall in love she left me! K now we go 2 and a half yrs into the future... I still have bitter love had turned sour and is now a powerful hate.. So I hear from an old friend(we'll call geff), she was injured .. so i got happy..(maybe she finally got what she deserved?) so a few days later I am curious what i call a friend(tha moth) and had her call geff to see what happened. I guess he said "nothing". so i had her ask "elsea". she got pissed at tha moth for asking... Now my sources are saying geff told lindy's boyfriend (agoo)that I was happy she was hurt(I think he said more to add gas to the flame). Now Agoo wants to kill me? so I am now pissed and will send my wrath to these people I thought were friends and to this dumb person that "wants to kill me"... why is life in K-hole so dramatic? its cuz people like I trust others...and dumb people like geff and elsea like to start forest fires...maybe this time they wont escape the forest that the set aflame...

please comment so I can see anothers perspective on the whole thing..

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 8:06 PM
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Monday, 24 January 2005

bleh! sucks... sucks...I hate when you recieve clues that hint to something you dream about, but once you believe it..the real trouth is shown..crushing your hopes and fantasies...

I hate school...I can not believe people pay for this shit! Atleast the government pays for mine...

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 7:25 AM
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Thursday, 30 December 2004

Mood:  blue
what a nice way to try and escape from your problems...the trouth is your problems can get you even while you sleep...

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 9:38 AM
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Tuesday, 14 December 2004

Mood:  sad
why are people expected to cry when someone dies? One of my friends died yesterday...So Kristen calls me and starts mentioning this guy...I tryed to change the subject and she got pissed saying everythings not ok? I just thought it was stupid cuz she acted like i didnt even care...I deal with death differently than others..Any way this post is in memory of him...

Rest in peace

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 1:48 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 14 December 2004 3:18 PM
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Friday, 10 December 2004

Why must True love be such a long, painful, and impossible task we strive to accomplish? Why do we search for something that has been dead for as long aS we know? If true love does exist then why is is so hard to find? Is it possible for people realize they have found true love before destroying it completely?

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 3:04 PM
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link to my Vampire Freaks profile

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 12:01 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 December 2004 3:17 PM
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Sunday, 21 November 2004

go here

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 1:55 PM
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Friday, 5 November 2004

why does lfe have to suck?
Now Playing: rasputina: watch t.v.
Every time i forget how much life sucks I am forced to see the facts that everyone must accept. People change, friends can never stay the same person they were when you met. you cant understand people through words; you must see expresions, words on a screen are so vague. one has limitations; he can not be who he wishes to be, can not love those he loves, be with those he cares for, accomplish what he said he would t.v.

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 6:39 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 December 2004 11:53 AM
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Thursday, 28 October 2004

to pictures
Photos Click here to go to my photo album!

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 9:36 AM
Updated: Sunday, 7 November 2004 1:46 PM
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people suck..
Most people are only concerned with themselves... If something doesn't effect them they will ignore the problem until it does. People are natually assholes... If someone likes something but cant get it, you can expect someone else to take it even if they didn't want it in the first place. If only we were different...

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 9:26 AM
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Monday, 25 October 2004

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 4:41 PM
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Friday, 22 October 2004


People are never as they seem. Once you think you know someone you begin to realize they are nothing you thought they were. They always seem to have a sweet outer shell; after the candy coating is gone you taste their bitter nothingness that you should have guessed was there...

Adrian poetry/morbidjunkie9 at 5:08 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 2 November 2004 6:10 PM
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