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Guidelines for Submission

Conditions for Submission:

Make sure that you read carefully and agree to the Terms and Conditions before you submit any work to the magazine. If you submit work then it will be considered that you have read and understood the agreement between yourself and the publisher. If you have any questions regarding this, not covered already in the Terms and Conditions then feel free to contact the Staff.


Poetry Submission - Please submit your name, e-mail address and the genre of the poem along with your entry. There is no genre restrictions or maximum length. Subject Heading: Poem Submission to this address.

Short Stories by genre:

Please specify with your submission whether your short story is a stand alone fiction, or a serial that is to be regularly updated.

Stand alone fiction can vary in length between 3,000 and 15,000 words. We will not publish a stand alone story longer than 15,000 words and this spot will be given to the featured fiction writer of each genre.

Serial fiction is expected to be between 3,000 and 7,000 words long. The author has to be prepared if chosen to have their fiction featured in the magazine to write the next installment of the story for each quaterly edition. As well as submitting the usual details along with your submission, for this category you are required to send a basic overview of where the plotline will continue from this first 'bite.'

Genre's we are looking for:

Action/thriller/horror - These can be as simple as a 'ghost' story for the short fiction or a complicated plotline for the serial fiction. Whichever you apply for, please try to avoid too many cliche lines like 'It was a dark and stormy night.'

Fantasy - Think you have what it takes to bring a world of your imagination to life? It's not as easy as it sound, especially in short fiction. Avoiding predictable plotlines and overused fantasy scenarios, we would like to see your worlds come alive to the readers - show them, don't tell.

Modern Fantasy - Huh, what's that? Is one of the first questions that is asked when 'modern fantasy' is mentioned. If one of your characters is a vampire but they live in the modern day then that is a modern fantasy.

Romance - We are looking for romance fiction with a little more believeable plotlines than your average tacky soap or trashy novel. A well-written, thought through romance story can be an enjoyable, insightful read. A poorly written romance, more than any other genre has many people reaching for a bucket.

Science Fiction/Futuristic - Science Fiction, one of the most frequently documented genres, there is something that draws us to the possibilities of the future. Science fiction genre work for this magazine, we are interested to see Your ideas of how the future will turn out. The lives of the characters as they struggle to survive in this world. We're not looking for another Star Trek or Star Wars.

All submissions to be sent to the Editor by the middle of April 2004 for the sixth edition of the Scorched Wings Magazine.