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Welcome to the 13th Kingdom...

Welcome to the Pondering Warlock Inn!
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Welcome to the Pondering Warlock Inn

Salutations with welcome, travelers and seekers!
Please, make yourself comfortable in this humble abode on the web. The furniture may be plain and the chairs slightly creaky but the wine is good and the people are friendly.
The Pondering Warlock Inn is the principal lodging and information source of sojourners visiting the 13th Kingdom. Here you may check in for news, updates on developements, or find answers to any question you may have.
A few things may still be working on coming into existance but the mages guild are working hard at settling everyone down. Always keep an eye out on personal belongings.. the vegetation seems to be developing quite an appetite.
Nevertheless, while you're here, share a tale or hum a tune, we're always open to new ideas and news of foreign lands.
And always feel free to contact me, whether for the recipe of our delicious porridge or simply to advise me on how we can make your stay more pleasant.
That being all said and done.. Enjoy and much regards!

~Mithril Dragon  10, 1st Moon, 2002

The Malathyr Towers


The Manifestations Committee, in cooperation with the Creative Guilds, would like to announce that all areas under construction and production are to be left alone by those who do not wish to be transfigured into guestbooks, galleries, or other miscellaneous links. It can sometimes take hard work to bring about the existance of obstinate furniture, let alone a kingdom...

Courtesy of Bravenet

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The 13th Kingdom
Copyright ©2001-2002

Last updated, in RealWorld time: 4.28.2002