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Currency Exchange Rates
- A quick and simple way to show how much dollars are worth in other countries and more!

Country Information

Lonely Planet--This website give very detailed information about any country you might be interested in.

Tourism Offices Worldwide Directory--
Your guide to official tourism information online since 1994.

Yahooligans--Find information about any country by clicking on your country. "Jeeves" any question about your country and he will answer it. :)


Preview Travel Home Page - provider of branded online travel services for leisure and small business travelers.

Air Travel Pro - quick and simple air travel guide with links, tips, and amusing stories.

Flight Tracker - source of real-time flight data; shows and tracks the status of pre-takeoff, in progress, and recently completed flights for major cities across the United States.


Use the summary statements in the Intellicast Weather Almanac to get information on the general weather conditions in a particular month for your region.

International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI) - research to continually assess and develop seasonal-to-interannual climate forecasts, and to foster the application of such climate forecasts to the explicit benefit of societies.

The Historical Weather Database provided by the Washington Post allows you to search for monthly average temperature and precipitation figures for your area.

Maps - atlas and descriptions of countries.