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CHEERlessLEADER Slowly I fade into oblivion. Memories streaming, no longer breathing. End! Pain! Solution! Release... Stop! Hurt! Result! Cease... Everything dimmer, Everyone dumber. No one around me, quietly drowning. End! Pain! Solution! Release... Stop! Hurt! Result! Cease... I am nothing, won't you set me free. I am no one, put me out of my misery. Me, Fuck You I am nothing but a loser, What can I do to be cooler? Get a fucking life! I will not give in, I won't let you win. You can try again, I won't let you in. I don't wanna be what you wanna be. You don't wanna see what I wanna be. I wanna be me and I'm gonna be. Youre a wannabe I don't wanna be. Fuck you. I won't be you. I'm so happy I'm a loser, I do not want to be cooler. Get a fucking life! Quadruple-U.J. Manipulative, off subject, Distorting mind, distorting thought. Fooled the masses into believing, but there's one you missed. They listened to your alabis, listened to your advice. They listened to your bullshit, and listened to your lies. Look at them now, against one another, got them right where you want them. The sheperds traded in his staff for a shiny new A.K. Let them graze, mowed them down. But there's one you missed so come kill me now. What I wouldn't do For a world without you. Plague of Perplexity Simple questions, they arise. Indecision plagues my mind. I'm 'gonna move away from here, I'm never 'gonna leave this place, Indecision plagues my mind. I love her, I love her not, Indecision plagues my mind. Big or small, Tall or short, Round or square, Black or white, Now or later, Right or wrong, Indecision plagues my mind. Which to decide, Live or Die? Indecision plagues my mind. Eyeless Misanthrope Locked up alone, No light allowed, Always furthest from the crowd. Cursed the world, Hated man, Noone else could understand. Not a glimpse, Not a sound, Happiness could not be found. Couldn't be helped, Wouldn't be changed, Too much on his mind for his age. Through his heart, through his soul, There's a gap, there's a hole, Nobody can fill. Eyeless misanthrope Couldn't see, Blind to his own misery. Cut his wrists, Slit his throat, All these things were his own. night·mare Indulging in self-induced nightmares I sleep. Twisted images flooding my mind, disturbingly sweet, unnaturally nice, Not a moment left behind. Will I wake from my slumber, with luck or misfortune to blame? Cut short my nightmares on this night, awake to reality to the unknowing eye. Phobia attacks my anemic mind. How much longer in bed will I lie? The night draws on, I implore release. Pull me from my covers please, I'm not afraid anymore, Cut short this nightmare I call life. King of Crap Heartbreak, like I never thought I can’t take what I’m given, won’t you Remake what has happened, least for our sake Move along and never... I was hoping to know and I was thinking too hard and I was letting it fall apart I was running out of time and... Drown in either what is red or Brown and dig your hole where you’ll be Crowned and all your pain will then be Found and overwhelm you till you... I am under the knife, Every day and night. End of all ends arise, I await my prize. Is there an end to my pain? Can’t I erase my brain? I’ve had enough of this, When I’m gone, then you’ll miss. J&H Flashing smiles that could bring back Donna of the Dead. Conversations for miles, you may need ten loafs of bread. Singing tunes of joy, lovebirds could learn a thing, or two. Emotions are like toys, play around too much, now your screwed. Jeckle and Hyde got nothing on me. Angry glare staring through your soul, could kill a cheerful clown. Awkward silence fills the air, you could starve for all I care. Shouting hate that burns deep, scorching rainforests for years and years. Emotions break easy and leak, even faster to change gears. Jeckle and Hyde got nothing on me. Hell Is Where I Stand I was a little boy when I found out that I could go to hell. But I’d only go if I was bad, 'cause that’s where the bad folks fell. Promised myself that I would be good, so that I would not go. Tried my best to stay on this earth, little did I know... That I was already there, But I didn’t care. In the devil's lair, I was in... All the things I saw around me sickened me to my soul. Went up to someone and asked him why I fell into this hole. But he got shot right between his eyes, that’s when I ran away. People dying left and right, wish I could get away... but I was already there, But I didn’t care. I’m already there, And I don’t care! Toc The steady moving hands, ruling our existence. Slowly rushing, unnoticed actions, under its limit till the end. Always need to answer to, can not live our own, The only ones who don't no longer have a voice to. End Walking into this light, I cannot see. My eyes are not ready for this, I am blind. I do not fit into this, the knife cuts at the circle. Now the end is in sight, I am born again. Caveman Won't you come out of youre cave, Won't you light that fire, Won't you fill in eyes to see What I truly desire. A better world awaits you here, Why can you not see? Hidden in your cave you remain, Worlds between you and me. The sun shines bright outside, Come out and break the hold. Why won't you realize that Youre cave has grown cold. Everything is clearer here, Won't you break the grey? If you don't at least try, You'll never see the light of day. The breeze is blowing gently, You won't feel a thing. You'll rot inside that damn cave, Till the church bells ring. Why won't you come out of your cave? Why won't you light that fire? Why won't you fill in eyes to see What you truly desire. Pillow Come here, Go there, Lick my balls, I don't care. Do this, Do that, Suck my dick You Goddamn rat. Don't do, Do don't, Eat my ass, And maybe I won't. I hate you, You hate me, Now get the fuck out of my face before I shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be brushing your teeth with my toes for a year... Motherfucker... Double Face How do you see both him and me? I stand by the river, he stands by the tree. Opposite sides, and yet you see. Hmm, must have two faces. How can you say, "You're the one", When he's the two and so are you. Opposite sides, and yet you say. Hmm... must have two faces. Arty Fish Smile, water washes off. Laugh, ear figures out. Friendship, I'm not dumb. Love, Gone too far. Everything you do, Whatever you say, Feed it to the fishes 'Cause I don't care. Jokes, they're not funny. Stories, noone wants them. Showoff, a desperate attempt. Fake, you're see through. Do Tell Tell me what you're thinking, You're innermost thoughts. Tell me how you feel, The deepest dwellers of your mind. Tell me your secrets, Ones that you'd not dare breath. Tell me everything there is to tell, So I can... Fuck you over, Take you under, It's not over, Makes me wonder. If I told you what I thought, Would you forsake me? If I told you how I felt, Would you stay true? If I told you my secrets, Would you betray me? If I told you my everything, Would you... Fuck me over, Take me under, This is over, No more wonder. Watchamacallit Death is a tool, use it to fool. Mothers grieving, good publicity. Market their pain to the world, draw more sympathizers to their deaths. Thousands dead not enough, opens the gate for thousands more. Send it in and keep it in, gates broken down thousands more. Under control, lies dim the light of truth. Sit back, relax, told what you need to. Complete devastation and annihalation. There are none left, move on to the next. One by one... There are none... Twilight Zone You think you know, but do you really, no. You think you see, but you don't have the vision necessary. If only you knew, If only you saw, You'd not be the man you are today. Knowledge may be power, but Ignorance is bliss. Watcher Overlooker, seeing all. Not a movement made unnoticed by, Not a moment passed unchecked by, No, can't do that, being watched. No, can't say that, being heard. No, can't think that, being anally probed! There's one chance, risky though. But go for it it's do or die... Not one escapes the omniscient eye. Perved Sick and twisted, Glad you missed it. Stroke and twist it, Gently kissed it. Know you want it, Don't matter what you think. Know you love it, Don't matter how you feel. Can see it in your eyes, Can feel in between your thighs, Can hear it in your cries. Wicked and kinky, Lick my thingy. Warped and bizarre, With my pinky. Know you want it, No matter what you say. Know you feel it, No matter who you tell. Can see it in your eyes, Can feel in between your thighs, Can hear it in your cries. Perved. Bored Sitting, thinking, Not much else to do. Leaning, yawning, What can I do for you? I'm bored. Looking around, nothing too profound, Not much else to do. Kicking up my feet, sunken in my seat, What can I do for you? I'm bored! The Show "Let the Show begin!" A gentle touch, not so gentle to start things off. Bring in the accessories, keep 'em steady, Are the machines and tubes and baggies ready? "Onward!" We grow in popularity, need more things. Disregard what they feel, prepare for mass appeal. Sound check, keep it contained, Ah, the hell with it, expose it to the flames. We grow larger still sir, what to do next? "The Show continues! More things yet." We're censored and rated, protested and hated. "Keep it coming, there's more things to get." Bring in the smoke and alterations of mind, Rebellious and hateful, "Keep it coming!" Harm is inflicted, Larger we grow. Peace has settled, as have we, all seems fair with our plan. We are at the peak of our game sir, no progress to report. Sources indicate tough times ahead. "Keep going. There will be no stopping." An addition! An heir to our show! "Expand upon it as one of our own." Larger we grow, yet... seem to decline. "What's wrong, what's going on? Why are we failing?" Problems occur, "Onward! No stop!" We've only suppressed the troubles, they come back to haunt us, "Onward! Larger! Better! More!" We cannot go on, most have quit. Only a few left, moral has dwindled. Alone we stand, broken and tired, Our time has come, time for the last hoorah. "We cannot retire! The Show must go on!" It is now over. Calm. New shows begin. The Show will go on. Quietus On infinite hiatus. Onward and upward toward the precipice of life, the only way to achieve, Quietus. The what and the how, who and the why, The things and the people around you, above you, before and behind you, the thoughts and the processes, compiled in due time, objects and forced mind, compulsory ideas that have made you go blind, quiet you, quiet us, Anything and Everything Obsolete, once you reach, Quietus. Choice Decide. Will it be, a.) Bringer of pain and suffering? or b.) Bringer of unhappiness and misery. Some thought this does require, or perhaps none at all? For both bring one and the same, yet neither bring at all. In such situation, ought not there be c.)? Should there not be awarded a "life line" of sorts? Although, there isn't much potential, in calling a friend, or removing a choice. Either way, outcomes alike, neither you'll like. But alas, there's hope! Ask the audience. Shame? Shame on all who dare to dare, Shame on those who think outside the box, Shame on those who don't tread trends, Shame on those who forsake the good name of society, and all that it encompasses. Shame on all who have no shame, who seek not to blame. Shame on those who create, not desolate, Shame on those who dare not follow, rather they follow their heart. Shame on those who seek the answers, refuse to be herded, demand to be heard. Shame on all who are not them, but are themselves. Shame on those who want not what you want them to want, but are already what they want. But most of all, Shame on you... For listening. Honey Glazed Ham A man asked me today, "How was your day?" I replied, "I got head from a Nun at the convent I fired a gun at some cops, I beat down a cunt with her own torn off limbs, I was made to run, being chased by Uncle Sam, And then, just for fun, I fucked a honey glazed ham" He said. "I was raped by a priest in the confession booth, I was trampled over by a hoard of pigs, My wife was cheating on me, I got drafted and was killed the first day at boot camp, Only to be reincarnated as a honey glazed ham." Tint You tell them you are good By showering them with youre lies, but they reek of the stench of ignorance so bad, Daisies die when they pass by. But I can see through tinted windows, The bullshit that goes on in the backseat, Pigs getting high and fucking chicken shit whores, While corrupt crackheads corrupt OUR heads. I can see through tinted windows No use rolling them up, You can floor it and speed off But I'll be chasing you. I can see through tinted windows Soon the others will too, This great bat of mine Through youre tinted windows Will come crashing through.. *window opens*... *gunshot* Bloovag It falls, Like the full moon that ravages the beasts, Chaos abound terror flowing freely. Unstopable, Docketed destruction and demise, Happiness put on hold, nostrum and remedies held, "Ataxia Falls" should never be frequented is periodically visited fuck... © EyELess Misanthrope, 2003-2004