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Hey! Get OUT of my garden!

"Life is beautiful, and terrible, and strange..."-Concrete Blonde

Cat Rant (from Ball and Chain, Janis Joplin.)
I don't understand, how come... you're gone, man?
I don't understand why half the world is cryin'
when the other half the world is cryin' too man,
why can't they get it together?!
I mean if you've got a cat for one day, man...
and say u want a cat for 365 days...
u ain't got him for 365 days.
u got him for one day.
Well, i tell u, that one day,
had better be you're life!
because u can say...oh, man,
u can cry about the other 365 days,
but yer gonna lose that one day,
man and that's all u got! u gotta call that love,
man. That's wot it is, man! if u got it today,
u don't want it tomorrow, man cause u don't need it!
cause as a matter of fact,
as we found out on the tra-ain,
tomorrow never happens man!
It's all the same fucking day!

Smile just before you cry...

The things I want in life I need, my boots keep me between!

Possum of the Grotto- Rasputina
Pulled to Bits- Siouxsie and the Banshees
Delilah- Dresden Dolls
Caroline-Concrete Blonde
Waltz #2 (XO)- Elliot Smith
To Catch a Theif- Loveage(Mike Patton)