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In Loving Memory of
Anthony Craig Boston
20 October 1968 - 25 June 2006

Anthony Craig Boston
Born 20th October 1968
Passed 25th June 2006

“Now that he is gone, never hesitate to tell his story, he has left you behind with treasures to be shared”

The verse above was written on one of the sympathy cards I received when Craig passed away
and it sums up how I feel in a few short sentences.

I met Craig (Anthony Craig was his name but he liked to be called Craig) on the 13th of January 2001 and I did not believe in love at first sight until that day. He was the funniest person I had ever met and instantly I knew that I would marry him some day. He moved into my parents house with me on the 15th of February and we moved into our own place May that year.
My two older boys fell in love with him as quickly as I did and a few months later I was expecting our baby girl Montaya.

We married October 13th 2001 and Montaya was born January 14th 2002. So within one year and one day we were married with a new born baby (I told you I knew I’d marry him) A few months later I fell pregnant with Jordan and sadly she was born too early on the 7th of November the same year. Craig took over the running of our house as I slipped into a deep depression and I look back now and I am amazed that he stood by me with what I put him through.

Please visit our web pages for our Angel Jordan by clicking on the "Home" button below. Thank you!

March 2004 saw the birth of our son Jack and what a proud dad he was. There were only a few times I saw Craig cry
and the birth of Jack was one of those times.

These are two beautiful and loving gifts for Angel Craig from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.

Craig was the greatest dad and husband that anyone could wish for and our lives are a lot less brighter now he is not here.

June 24th in the year 2006 Craig was going away with his mate Ian to a memorial weekend for a mate that had passed and was due back the next afternoon. I was at the pet shop where I work with Jo (Ian’s partner) and the guys left at about 10 am. Craig kissed me and said “Bye, I love you” I said “Bye I love you too” I walked to the roller door at the back of the shop and waved to him as Ian drove away, he gave me one of his little smiles and waved to me, that was the last time
I saw my husband alive.

It was about 8am the next morning (25th June 2006) when the kids yelled to me that the police were in the driveway and so was Jo. I walked out the front and instantly I knew something was wrong by the tears in Jo’s eyes. The police told me that they wanted me to sit down as they had bad news for me, I saw Jo and yelled to her “What’s going on?” They told me that Craig had passed away that morning from a massive heart attack. I knew in my heart that he was gone before they told me but to hear them say those words made it seem that little bit more real.

The next few hours are a bit hazy but I remember having to tell the kids what happened and that broke my heart.
I was taken to hospital for shock but I did not stay long as the kids were my main concern.

The next week was spent informing family and friends of the sad news and organizing his funeral. I saw Craig three times before his funeral and I made sure his clothes, jewelry, hair and make up were exactly how they should be. He had on his black shirt, black leather vest, black jeans, black boots, sunglasses, tobacco in his pocket and a beer in his hand
plus all the pictures and letters from me and the kids.

To Our Daddy

Daddy, Daddy please let us know,
That your safe with Jordan,
For all Eternity.

My tears are so blue,
Cause you're not here with us,
We miss you so, so very much.

I love you Daddy,
And we miss you too,
Especially your bug hugs & kisses,
That made us feel safe when we were down & low.

So Daddy dearest,
Hold onto our hearts,
Like we are holding onto you.

All Our Love Daddy
Montaya Jordan Jack Braydon Kaleb
Copywritten: Ms Cheryle-Anne Finn - Australia August 2006

I spent a lot of time with him telling him that I would make him proud of me by being strong and making sure that everything we set out to do for our kids would be done. I kissed his lips so many times I lost count and wished so many times
that he would open his eyes and talk back to me.

His funeral was as he wanted (short and to the point) and his ashes are now with us at home and soon will be placed next to our baby Jordan. I have since found out off Ian that he woke at about 5am and was in the bathroom and Ian thought he was being sick. Craig walked out of the bathroom and Ian said “Are you right big fella” and he replied “Yep” and a few seconds later Ian heard a bang and Craig was on the floor. The paramedics were there within a few minutes and worked on him for an hour and a half but they could not bring him back. The head paramedic said that he was gone before he hit the floor
and in some small way I am glad he did not suffer.

I find a small amount of comfort knowing that Craig and Jordan are now together but I am angry that they are not here with us and jealous that he is with her and I am not. I know he is looking after our baby girl and no one could
do a better job than he could.

I'm so very sorry for your tremendous losses
I honor the memory of your husband Craig
and your sweet little angel Jordan in heaven
My heart truly breaks for you
With Love
Ann, Laurasmom


I never meant to leave you,
Could I have only stayed,
We would be going on in life,
With all the plans we made.

Now all the hopes and dreams we shared,
Are but sweet memories;
For you to tuck inside your heart,
Now when you remember me.

Remember all the good times,
And all the joy we shared.
Remember how you touched my life,
And how I really cared.

Think back on all the laughter,
And wipe away the tears,
You still have many miles to go,
And will have many years.

Don't look back...look forward,
This day is a brand new one,
And as you travel on in life,
You'll take a bit of my heart.

I never meant to leave you,
But still you're not alone
For as long as my love lives in you,
I'll never really be gone.
By Allison Chambers Coxey (c) 1995

Every day that Craig is not here is a struggle and seems a little harder to cope with. I have the shirt he was wearing the last time I saw him and I smell it every night and cry myself to sleep. I remember when he was here and he used to say to me “You would be lost without me” and I can’t believe how right he was. He knew me better than anyone ever will and I know that nobody will ever have such an impact on my life as he did.


I miss the little things i.e.: Kissing his cheek, cuddling him, laughing with him, telling him how I feel
and most of all telling him how much I love him.

The song "Bad To The Bone" by George Thorogood, was Craig's favorite song,
so of course we had to have it playing on his web page for him!

I want to thank my family and friends for everything that they have done for us since we lost Craig and I don’t know how
we could of made it this far without the love and support we have received.

Dear Kylie, Children and ANGEL Craig

In HEAVEN Where our Daddy Now lives
One of the stars Our Mommy shows us
Belongs to our Daddy
To see him We have to look up
We can't see you, Daddy
No, my children
You won't see me Like you use to
But I am there
I see all of you, your Mommy too
If you feel you want to Talk to me,
just Look up At that star
I am There
I am not too far away
I will blow kisses to you
I will protect you and your Mommy too

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera

In Loving Memory of Craig
With Love
Ann, Laurasmom
Art Print by Ron Kimball
Creation by Lily

The following song lyrics, poem and images are all gifts to Craig's family from my dear friend, Pammi.
Thank you ever so much for your kindness!

I Will Remember You
Written and Performed by Sarah McLachlan

I will remember you
will you remember me?
don't let your life pass you by
weep not for the memories

remember the good times that we had
let them slip away from us when things got bad
clearly I first saw you smiling in the sun
wanna feel your warmth upon me
I want to be the one

I will remember you
will you remember me?
don't let your life pass you by
weep not for the memories

I'm so tired that I can't sleep
standing on the edge of something much too deep
it's funny how I feel so much yet cannot say a word
we are screaming inside oh we can't be heard

I will remember you
will you remember me?
don't let your life pass you by
weep not for the memories

so afraid to love you more afraid to lose
clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
where once there was a darkness, a deep and endless night
you gave me everything you had oh you gave me life

I will remember you
will you remember me?
don't let your life pass you by
weep not for the memories

In The Arms Of The Angel
Also written and performed by Sarah McLachlan

spend all your time waiting for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always one reason to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there

so tired of the straight line and everywhere you turn
there's vultures and thieves at your back
and the storm keeps on twisting
you keep on building the lie
that you make up for all that you lack
it don't make no difference
escaping one last time
it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there

you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here

We never know our fate in life
From the moment of our birth
We know not the roads we'll travel
While walking upon this earth.

The Tears we'll cry the pain we'll bear
is kept unknown to us
we wake each day to face the world
living in faith and trust

Our shattered dreams, our adversities.
things beyond our own control
can wear us down from day to day
The worries can take their toll

If we are given just one chance
to see what our future holds
would it weaken us beyond belief
or make us strong and bold?

But which among us could deny
if we knew what lies in store
that we would be willing to accept
and to ask for one more day.
Written by

Thank you Maria for doing such a great job on this page and you will always be my earth angel
and I love you all so very much.

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Anthony Craig Boston
on 21 August, 2006
Last updated: 20 October, 2009
© 2000 - 2009

Maria's Tribute to Christopher