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A Memorial Hymn © 2001


One-Time Copyright License Use: $4.00*

*For public gatherings only, contact for other use.

Free for funeral use.


a memorial hymn,
recommended for Soprano Solo,
to the tune of AMAZING GRACE

In Honor Of Those Who Have Sacrificed

For Our Freedom

- 1 -

Enduring faith,
Our forebears spared
No strength, no self, to shield,
This Freedom was
Their treasure shared,
And now is ours to yield!

- 2 -

For God has made
All spirits free,
That free,
   we might choose Right,
So sons and daughters
We would be,
In God's eternal light!

- 3 -

Our hearts are bowed,
With sorrow deep,
For loved ones
   gone ahead,
Yet Strength supports us
As we weep,
And by His hand we're led!

- 4 -

We stand to honor
All the brave,
Who've fallen, going forth,
With steely hope,
And heart to save,
This land's enduring faith!

Copyright © 2001 by S. Armstrong 30622-0566 USA

Would your group like to license use?

Simple, one-occasion, $4.00 Copyright License

For Public Gatherings Only¸¸¸

(For other use, please contact)

"Public gatherings" would be

religious & civic in nature.

Use in event coverage

by news media, if any, is allowed.

* * *

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Having a PayPal account is no longer necessary.

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* * *

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