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fuck you asshole!
the dilution of america
the way things are
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Friday, 1 June 2007
Longer than an anaconda
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: the dilution of america
It is June the First, A.D. 2007.
I have just recently gotten out of bed and feel rather tired.
I have brewed coffee, but seem to tired to go get it.
Screw that, I'm going now...hold on...

o.k. i'm back and it's so tasty.

when I think back to all of the excitement I had when I first started this blog, it sort of makes me sad, because I am no longer excited about this blog in the least.

which is ironic, seeing how I still use this web address as my signature on emails and other shit like that.

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 14:47 EDT
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Monday, 12 December 2005
its been a while
Now Playing: Huh?
Its been a while since I made an entry here, and that's just fine, since no one ever reads this blog.
I have been reading lots lately, specifically about Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun.
My reading on the Huns is getting me more and more interested in Late Roman History.
I am particularly interested in the relationship between the imperium and the Church, how Christianity contributed to the fall of Rome, and perhaps how the institionalization of Christianity, making it THE state religion under Thodosius made the church secular and brought about the end of christian piety.
Of course, there is also the relationship between late antiquity and the successor medieval world. That interests me very deeply.
The other day, N and I watched Luthera movie that is surprisingly about Martin Luther. In an interview the actress who played his wife was talking about preparing for the role and how very "modern" Katherine was, in that she was a very self-confident and independent woman, who worked and thought and led a life that is very similar to "modern" women. This brought up the question of what exactly does it mean to be "modern", as relates to the masses being controlled, either in our contemporary society by the elites of corporations or in the rennaissance or medieval times by the church and the aristocracy or in the ancient world by the empire.
It is arguable that "modernity" and its potential for upward mobility has its roots in the ancient world of the Greeks and Romans and that the entire time of Medieval Europe was just a step backward, and that our conceptions of "modernity" as pertains to how people perceive themselves in a cultural context is not all that different.
The man still exists, and he still beats us down, it is just big government and corporations doing the oppressing now, rather than kings and dukes and bishops.
N is so smart.
I <3 him.

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 18:57 EST
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Saturday, 2 July 2005
poker and beer and pisspots
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Ballydowse, The Land, The Bread, The People
Topic: POKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heya kiddies.
been playing lotsa poker.
just played in a tournament.
came in like 250th place out of 700. no money.
made a bad call with 2 pair vs. two raises who both had 3 sixes.
dad tried to warn me, but i missed it and called and got eliminated.
However, if you like to play poker, check out POKER ROOM.
The beer we brewed is phenomenal.
it is called STALIN STOUT.
it was largely bottled in some 
green bottles that didn't seal 
 so most of the batch didn't carbonate well, but the flavor is
i like cheese

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 14:25 EDT
Updated: Saturday, 2 July 2005 14:33 EDT
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Thursday, 30 June 2005

why the fuck didnt my entry show up.
fuck you angelfire, you whores
and fuck you myspace you cunts
and fuck you world
for fucking my life to fucking hell

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 15:36 EDT
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infrequent blogging=fuck you whiner
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Tom Waits
Topic: fuck you asshole!
Fuck. all i am in is a bad mood
cant win at poker.
really, things aren't that bad.
just need a job...still.
thats how i feel.

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 15:35 EDT
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Thursday, 26 May 2005
Here is a poem I wrote

Sent to serve strangers,
He came to share a love profound.
Once a runaway slave boy,
He returned a messenger of freedom.
He walked and he talked 
A life worth sharing.
The one once captured by foes,
Made friends of them by capturing their hearts.

He waited and when the time came,
change came with him.
Nothing withstood the One
On whose Name he called.
The Risen Lord of all,
Whose love never fails.
In the end, faith in a carpenter,
swept over the nation of harpers. 

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 08:29 EDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 May 2005 08:31 EDT
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Monday, 23 May 2005
So, in my ceaseless wandering of the web, I found the most glorious of all sites. This group of kids do sketch comedy, and it totally kicks ass.

My first sketch of theirs was the Gym Class one, and it kicks ass!

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 06:20 EDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 May 2005 04:10 EDT
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Now Playing: A Eunuch Song ( I wish!)
Topic: Eunuch
So hey there kiddies, and welcome to monday morning, 6.16 am.
Be sure to check out the link to the new Eunuch page that I made.
Hey Daniel. We need to get a good Eunuch skull jpg going so you can email it to me and I can put it on the Eunuch website. ROKN!

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 06:15 EDT
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Friday, 20 May 2005
a webring!

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 09:38 EDT
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Thursday, 19 May 2005

Mood:  a-ok
Topic: the way things are
Haven't added a blog entry for a while. sorry. not like anyone but daniel reads this thing anyway.
Dad and I went the other day on tuesday to buy brewing equipment. Daniel came over yesterday and we brewed.
It is amazing how boring a process that is.
Hurry up and wait.
The brew is bubbling nicely now, an Imperial stout with an extra bit of wheat malt and some extra hops added too.
Should be tasty. I tasted some of the wort and it was quite hoppy. I don't think Dad will like it very much. I had wanted to brew the brown ale, but the yeast I had was a year old and didn't activate, so I am gonna have to get more yeast for it.

Oh yeah, the other day was at dan's and Jim the neighbor was acting crazy. his voice is so deep.

Last week I stopped by udf to buy some beer. was gonna just get guinness, but saw that right next to it they had newcastle brown ale. I was undecided. What should i do. So i asked a couple that was there and the dude said newcastle, but I wasn't sure, so i got him to rock paper scissors me for it. he threw paper, i threw scissors, so i won and got the guinness. that was a good thing cuz a couple of days after that i brougth two bottles of guinness over to daneil's and he was so happy. he had been drinking high life and was dying for our favorite beer, mother's milk, guinness

Posted by poetry/mchootch at 17:06 EDT
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