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A Brother's Page

Zack and Justin~May 2005

img "From Me to You"

Justin, I know you can read this, I know you hear these thoughts in mind. I've thought about you often, My brother, my partner in crime. I've cried so many tears, Since you've been away. Why didn't you wait? You knew I would've come with. Join you in the afterlife, But you just left me here like this.

I need you here so much. I still know your near me, You'll live forever, As memories in my mind. All this mess that we got in to down here, Those laughs just sharing time.

What about the times, we pull our crazy stunts, We jumped that train bound north. Just rode it like we owned it, Stood on carriages pretending to surf. Or that time we ran to the city, Just hitched and thumbed a ride. Me and you were gonna take on the world, Had no fear with what we where doing.

No one understood me, Only you could understand. So why did you go out like that? When you knew I would've come with. You knew I would've had your back, In this life or the next.

You're in Heaven now, my brother, Just hanging out with the Lord, Oh the stories I bet you tell. Telling tales of your brother down here on earth, And all the fun times that we had. Just helping save each other, When times they got too bad. I'll hook up with you later, I still got some life to live. So save me a space on that cloud, my brother, I still got some love to give. But know that you'll live forever, As memories in my mind.

But when my journeys over, When I've done all I need to do, I'll leave this life with gladness, Cause I know I'll hook up with you. Then we can ride them clouds all day, I gotta go now, brother, For I will see you again one day soon. img

Lauren and Justin~Homecoming 2005~


Justin and Bethany
