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Anxiety and Panic

Anxiety - where do I begin? Anxiety disorder is a frightening condition where it's sufferers begin to panic for no apparent reason. At first when you have this condition, you think you're strange, going insane and the only person in the world feeling like this. You tell those around you. They may either understand, or wonder what on earth you're playing at. It's only when you seek help from a doctor and carry out some research that you realise, no, you're not going crazy, and no, you're not the only person feeling this bad.

Anxiety disorders are in fact a very common occurence. Sizeable parts of the population have one and it's a recognised health problem for which help is available and something from which can be recovered. The one problem seems to be lack of knowledge of these conditions, although in recent months, it does seem to be receiving more coverage.

The lack of information in accessible forms is what I blame for making the first few months after my diagnosis in November 2001 terrifying and confusing. It was only after I sat down for about a week on the Internet and hunted for info on it that I began to understand what I had and became less angry at myself for having panic attacks. It was something I couldn't control. I also found a wonderful group of people in January 2002 who knew exactly what I was feeling and helped me turn my life around in coming to terms with my Panic. If it weren't for the ENcourage community, I wonder if now I'd still be trapped in my flat because of my agoraphobia.

I also went on medication to curb the severity of the Panic Attacks I was having sometimes on a day-to-day basis. It was these that actually brought on my agoraphobia because I'd had a few when I was outside.

I've come a long way since I was first diagnosed and have learnt how to cope with any Anxiety that arises. I can even go out without my previous fear, which I've been able to do for around a year now. I have developed a taste for charity shops and second hand book stores and now have the book collection to show for it!

So on a final note I'd like to say a)Please don't dismiss a friend or relative coming to you with these irrational fears one day and don't feel alone if you find you have them yourself. b)Medication isn't the final cure for this; it can only calm the situation down a little so that steps can be taken to learn how to cope with Anxiety.c)Nicole Kidman also has an Anxiety disorder! Bet that one surprised you!

For an idea of what an Anxiety sufferer experiences, please see the list below.

Symptoms of panic

Anxiety from those who know how it feels -

Agoraphobic Pundit - Mark Rangel
Growing Sarah - Sarah