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Welcome to Laura's World


Isn't this adorable?

Nature is my true passion.

This is for all you science majors. I'm not one but the man I love is.

According to the BU website. The mathematics honor society inducted Abram Campbell as a new member to the Pennsylvania Lambda Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon. This year they inducted a total of fourteen and one of them was my fiance. Congadulations! :)

Accordin to the BU web site. The Theta Kappa Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society inducted new members this past Sunday at initiation ceremonies held at the home of Ervene Gulley, English department chair. My friend Jenn Colyer was inducted. Congradulations.

A little something about the boy on the top of this page: A few of my friends are looking for someone whom disappeared misteriously last spring. We think he's a the Corral Caverns working and we think this is him in the picture. If you happen to see him call out Bill Van DeVentor.. If he responds tell him that his friends would like just a simple hello to know that he is ok. My friends would appreciate that.

Hey guys if you click here you can see cartoons.

IF you need to search something you can find something here as opposed to going to another search engine.
Internet Super Search

Bravenet Web Services

Hey you guys can chat with one another. One rule. Please try to be curtious to one anther and nothing really crude.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

My Favorite Web Sites

Introductory web site page
Dedication to my Friends
Photo Time
Links Page
My Homepage
