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2003 Oklahoma Youth Tour

Youth Tour

Our Agenda



The Holocaust 


On June 13, I embarked on the adventure of my life.  This page is dedicated to that week, the adventure, the friendships, and the seventy-five people who will forever be carried along in my heart.  On June 19, I stepped off the plane a completely different person.  Every day since then, I have found a new reason why Youth Tour was the best thing that could have happened to me that summer.

To all of you:

June 26, 2003

It seems like I got home from OKC yesterday, that I was with all of you just days ago, instead of an entire week.  I can't believe how much one week affected me.  I walked into the hotel Friday morning, full of energy, and more nervous than I had ever been in my life.  Sure, I had been to other places before, but always with my mom.  The farthest I had ever been without my parents was a three-day regional softball tournament in Sherwood, Arkansas.  I was excited, but I was nervous, jittery...Probably anyone who was in the hotel before about 3:00 will agree with me.  I couldn't have shut up if ya'll had paid me.  To be honest, I was scared.

But after the first day, I realized that my roommates weren't going to be awful, even if they were Lakers fans.  :-)  I realized that I could meet some people who might just be famous someday ("Hail to the chief"), and I realized that I would be so busy, I wouldn't have any time to miss my mom or my dad or my brothers.  But most of all, I realized that I only had one week to make some of the best friends I'd ever get--and that's exactly what I did.

I'll never be able to put into words what that one week meant to me, you changed me.  I have a better outlook on everything, more confidence in someday living and working in DC, and I have a stronger faith in God than I've ever had.  I never dreamed one week could have that affect, but it did.

Thank you SO much....  

For putting up with my way-too-early cheer, my annoying full name greetings, and even my putting names together... I really am sorry, Jodi... :-)  Thank you for listening to me complain about how awful I thought my life was, and for convincing me that it really wasn't that bad.  Thank you for being you, and making me be me.  I love you guys.  Thanks for putting up with me.

MaRy =O)

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.