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Sometimes I think about what love's given me
And for some reason, I know this was all meant to be
Even though it feels like a punch in the face
This is all something I can't erase

I often think about the way things were, between us
And how this love, started out as just a little crush
I'll never forget  how you sounded that first time on the phone
I really thought I wasn't in this alone

Even though, at one point things turned for the worst
I will never forget how you were my first first soul I saw into
And my first time, the words meant more than just  "I love you"

You'll never know exactly how much you mean to me
Or how I had so much faith, that we were meant to be
Remember not once have I ever had hate for you
But sometimes, I wish there were some things I didn't have to go through

I hope one day, your wife will love you like I could
And that she will do everything, that I would
That she will really know how lucky she is
And may you have many beautiful  kids

Teach your kids everything you taught me
About true love and how it can be
...teach them about all the love you can see, just by looking into one's heart
And to never have fear in anything, from the start

And if you ever find the need to look around
You won't have to look very far from down
You'll find, Im's right where I've always been
...surrounded in the love, that surrounds me from within

*this poem is my favorite poem*