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                    Mountain of Time

Long ago, when we first met
You gave me a peice of you
That  I safely kept.
...turn's out, it was a mountain full of years
That was built with pain, struggle, and tears.
I climbed that mountain with the greatest ease
And swore to myself, that  would never leave.
I would wait until you reached the top
To see if you were alone or not.
And if you were, I'd throw my arms around you and say
"Babe, I've waited so long for this day."
Then, passing by would be a beautiful, white dove
To show a sign of peace, as you'd say
"Fear no more Jen, this is real love."
And we'd climb down that mountain together
While along the way, exchanging vows
To show that we were truly meant -to-be...
And  if you weren't alone, I'll turn to you
Sigh, and wisper "that's ok.'
Then I'll hug you and move on my way.