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Shaman Love of Lore

Running: December 27 - Jan 2
Topic: "Ritual"
Poetic Form: Haiku
Notes on Poetic Form this Week: Standard Haiku; for those who might not be aware, it's a structured poem originating in the orient, consisting of three measured lines. The first line should consist of a total of 5 syllables, the second seven syllables, and the third, five again. It is a very simplistic form of poetry, but it can clearly be also the most in-depth; the meanings behind a haiku can be very profound, and, due to the short length, provide much room for interperetation.

Please read this if this is your first time voting!

Thank you, firstly, for assisting me this week in voting for our poems for Love of Lore. Below, please find our entries.

This week there are: 18 entries.

Please keep the theme in mind when judging entries. For more stylized poetic forms, in the future, while I will provide a template for each, and an explanation, do not feel the need to be too hard on anyone for straying a little from the proper poetic structure (I'm not expecting English Literature or Creative Writing buffs, here :P). For smaller, easier forms (such as Haiku), the structure should be adhered to and keep it in mind as you are judging. What I need from you is the two numbered poems that you thought were the best; one of which you feel is worthy of our Master of the Lore branding, and a runner up. Send your votes in an nmail, in game, to "Kiyoji" so that I can sort through them and count them to find our winner. (Of course, all the beautiful ASCII art that accompany some of them them is lost, doing voting this way...but I'd like the substance to count more than the decoration anyways. :P If any of the pretty ones win, I'll tack it onto Darksyde for everyone to see. ^^)

And now, the fun part:
(Please note, I've detatched the names from the entries and numbered them, just like Revels, to ensure that as unbiased a result as possible can be provided.)

________________ ./'haman /_ove of /_ore ________________

Number One.

Bring Life

Come forth, oh lost soul,
to the land of the living
with your mind, body, soul.


Number Two.

Dark of morning comes,
Gather around fiery glow,
Chanting till sun comes.


Number Three.

Observance of love,
Sacrament to those we love,
Love's ceremony.


Number Four.

A set of Actions,
Sacred, tradition, worship
Symbolic passage.


Number Five.

Crush Animal Parts
Visions, Seizures, Rituals
Dark Divination


Number Six.

O'er dancing flames
Hecate weaves her dark spell
Around her, they rise


Number Seven.

Chanting, chanting, brrrm.
Spirits overtake your soul
In order to cleanse.


Number Eight.

Rich in heritage
Ancient rites dear to our past
Welcome the future.


Number Nine.

`Ensigilled in the earth around ye...

Howling winter wind
Ultimate transencdence ov
Concrete parallels


Number Ten.

One more promise formed
Two more clouds amongst the storm
Three weddings performed


Number Eleven.

~* The Moon fades for light *~
~* Lucifer's guiding hands touch *~
~* Broken kiss the morn` *~


Number Twelve.

Ritual handed down
Connecting past and present
Forged in tradition


Number Thirteen.

Poison ran inside,
Shaman did a Ritual,
Soon he will die


Number Fourteen.

Fire, desire.
Come forth in our troubled time.
To restore balance.


Number Fifteen.

Practiced services
Ritualistic workings
Life of traditions...


Number Sixteen.

--" Sacred stones, pale bones,
raging fire and swirling smoke.
Spirits are invoked"--


Number Seventeen.

Whispering chanter
Hands stretched to the open sky,
She calls my spirit


Number Eighteen.

Fire rises, the
Ghosts pour out of the flames and
in to my spirit.

________________ ./'haman /_ove of /_ore ________________

Thank you again, brothers and sisters! Remember to send your votes in to "Kiyoji" and I will tally them and post the winners.
I need your votes in by: January 4, midnight

You will receive points for your assistance. ^^