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To begin this selection of quotations, illustrating the wit, wisdom and downright weirdness of Kevin MacNeil we present some minimalist maxims from a book its publisher described as "an antidote to The Little Book of Calm", Be Wise Be Otherwise , subtitled Ideas and Advice for Your Kind of Person. Makes you wonder about its author, doesn't it? Still, that's creative types for you.

There are so many people in the world that the chances of someone breathing in absolute unison with you right now are very high indeed. Feel synchronised.

An afterlife? You don't deserve one if you can't think of what to do on a rainy afternoon.

When someone inadvertently makes a quip and says, 'No pun intended!' look them straight in the eye and say with a grimace, 'That's all right. None achieved.'

When leaving a job, bring board games to work on your last day.

A warm hug is a comfort, though not always so in the case of mistaken identity.

Your dreams form one enormous jigsaw.

Not all the best tunes have been written, and maybe not all the best times have been had.

Believe in aliens but not in dinosaurs.

Commit random acts of art.

Remember what things were like for you before you were born.

Mime your innocence to a CCTV camera.

Treat objects as people.

Rearrange your diary. Begin the year with July.

Write your autobiography, not your c.v.

Here, of all places, right now - you. You who once set out naked and daft.




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