Poems & Love

Hey people this is a site for posting your poetry for FREE! I made this site based on posting love poems but you can base your poem on ANYTHING you want! Now this is how you do it: There is a link that says feedback-like my site?-let me know. Click that and type your poem in! I will post it on this site and maybe you will get credits! Or if you dont want it to take very long then just put it in the guest book! I never check those! The reason i came up with a site like this is because I was just in a bad stage in my life when the one person i loved dumped me for some slut. I have thought a lot since then and i relized that it would be good to get my emotions out. Well i hope you send your poems! Luv Ya! ~*Lizzie*~

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BY: CHELSEA FERREBEE this is my life... the story that lies behind the real me... all guyz see in me is a big ass and big breasts... all gurlz see is a goody-tushes who gets all the guyz...well heres the real me: The real me is a person who i hate, the real me is the hate and sorrow that me and u both see, heat, say, and even get called. The real me is the cuss words that kill childrens lives because of drunken fathers every year. The real me is my hateful dad who i wish i could never see ever again. The real me... a living hell... the sorrows in everyones lives... the crys of little infants dieing... the hate in yours, and many millions of lives bundled into one tiny little life. M.I.N.E. six simple letters. two big words. M.Y.L.I.F.E. If i could do anything to change it i wouldn't. Id rather it be full of hate and sorrow then of being nice and good because little gurlz who have lives like that deal with parents, popularity,slutiness, and dealing with stupid people like me. People who love risking their life for the deaths of others. People whod love to cut their rists and like it. People who are alone in this world with only music, hate, and friends (maybe) to keep them from actually going suicide. People who think knives, snakes, magic, satan, and everything else horrid is the best thing they ever have seen. In other words people like Me.
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  • HotPink8491@yahoo.com
  • HotPink699@hellokitty.com
  • iAmUrPlayMate@toosexyforyou.com

Email: HotPink8491@yahoo.com