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Nick Carter Concert...where all of my dreams came true!

February 25, 2003...a day I will never ever forget...a story that I will tell my grandchildren...a moment that will last a lifetime....

I left on Tuesday for Pittsburgh and told everyone that I was going to meet Nick Carter that one believed me, and I don't even think I believed that it could happen....but it sure did!!!

Since I was planning on meeting the man of my dreams, I had to look as beautiful as possible...

This is my picture of Nick from the "Black and Blue" Backstreet Boys tour...

I couldn't find anyone to come along with me for the concert, so I had to bribe Kelly by buying her ticket because we all know how much she loves Nick Carter!

Another stipulation for her to attend was that we could drink before the concert...I don't know about you, but we always take shots at 4:30 on a Tuesday...

I bought him a rose and attached the picture of him and I with my name and phone number on the back:

Despite our earnest efforts to get close to the stage by our arrival when the doors opened, girls had already been waiting since the morning of the concert...SOOOO that's when you start talking with the security at the's Timmy and Kelly:

"Where's the bathroom?" led to "Can you take our picture?"(here's that pic)

And quickly turned into, "How would I have gone about getting a Meet and Greet Pass?"...which led Sully to tell me that 2 girls right in front of the stage were looking to sell theirs so that they wouldn't lose their good spots...and which finally led to me buying the pass for $18!!!!! (and yes, people were willing to buy it for upwards of $150 from me...)

Sully got me to the front of the line of 64 girls that were eagerly waiting their turns to meet Nick...he even warmed up my hands while I was shaking in line...shaking from the cold and shaking in excitement!! My dream was finally going to come true!

Amy wanted to buy my pass, but I unfortunately couldn't give it up...I wish I could've got her one, too, but I gladly gave Nick her present..

Meg stood by me in our nervous's her class ring that she gave to Nick with a key to her heart attached...

Here is Nick accepting the ring after he asked her if she was sure she wanted to give it up...a sacrifice I probably couldn't have made myself:

Here is Nick signing Meg's magazine:

FINALLY, I GOT TO MEET HIM!!!!! YES, I MET NICK CARTER!!!! Surprisingly, I stayed calm...I talked normal (none of the I LOVE YOU NICK stuff), and I gave him my rose and explained the picture (click on the picture below to see this picture) and gave him the Dolphin and card from Amy...he signed my ticket and my CD booklet....AND THEN!!! I asked him for a which he proceeded to hug me AND KISS ME ON THE CHEEK!!! (and I kissed his, too!!) Then, I got this wonderful picture seriously cannot get any better:

He thanked me, told me to enjoy the show, and looked back again and smiled...he is just what I thought he would've been like and nice and TOTALLY adorable!

After leaving the room (where Kelly had been looking through the door at me the whole time), I screamed that Nick kissed me, hugged Kelly, and crumbled in her arms. I was shaking and crying and could not even stand. I made it back to our security guard friends where they had me sit down and calm down. This is me with my meet and greet pass on and my autographs :

The concert was soooo amazing!!! I screamed to every song, and danced my heart out...

Although we were farther back than we would've been originally, meeting Nick in person was totally worth it:

Kelly even had a good time seeing me so excited!

She even knew the medley of Backstreet Boys songs he sang in addition to the cover ballads and rock songs:

The best songs of all were his own from his solo album, "Now or Never":

And yes, he sounds exactly the same - or even better - live as compared to the CD:

I have the bestest friend in the entire world, and I'm so glad she got to share in my excitement!!!

After the concert, Nick came out from backstage to get pictures with the opening acts...

We weren't allowed near him..but security was!!

Sully is seriously the nicest and greatest person in the entire world...he also got me Nick Carter's towel AND the song list from the stage!!

Sully also let us know which door Nick would be leaving from:

The mob of girls surrounding him didn't prevent this down-to-earth guy from signing an autograph:

He even accepted more roses...(I hope he kept mine, too!!!)

After he was on the bus, we was looking out the window and saw me and smiled, so he must've remembered me! He even let 2 girls onto the bus with him...I was sooo jealous!!

After giving up on the bus situation, the security guards gave us a ride home so we didn't have to walk again, and life is grand!! (we can also go to see whatever band we want now at the Metropol for free):

Here is the collection of items I have from the concert (the towel was still cold and wet from the water bottles he was dumping on himself):

Here is the official song list:

And my autographs!:


February 25th was a night that will last a lifetime.....

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