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the love of a family never burn out! no matter what the situation is !


We as a family have our difference
We all must connected as one
We must learn to forgive and forgave each other
Life goes on even when we don’t want it to
We as family grows older everyday
We must love each other
Even when the other is at faults
We must teach that individual that he or she is at faults
And he or she must learn for that mistake
Life is a learning lesson
It never end even when you are one century old
We must understand that no one is born perfect
No one is born natural leader
We all must earn our place in this world
“Our happiness may be others sorrows
Others sorrows may be our happiness”
What happen to us must be a propose
That proposes was to learn from the mistake you made
On to others or others onto you
We can not control what happen to us
But we can control what happen to others
So we as family must love each other
And teach each other what the did is wrong
And forgive and forgave them for the wordiness
And hope that they will learn from that
“Forgive those who faults at you and those
Who you faults at will be able to forgive you”
We as human being learn from our mistake and as we grow older we get wiser. 

We must learn to forgive and forgave others and ourselves.

The bridge  of a family will always be strong because the bond of a family is solid rock

no matter what happen in life the family tree will remain strong


an angel to guide the family  and to lead the them to the right path of life

generation to generation

know in your heart that I will always be here to guide you now and forever....

family will always be a family no matter