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Lindsay's Humanities 7 wonderland!


Assignment 1A:


My name is Lindsay, and the reason I am taking humanities 7 is because I am very interested in history, but I want to learn beyond who said what where on whichever date. I want to learn about how society was built culturally, instead of just politically. I would also like to be exposed to the art and culture of the actual "western" world.


I am located only about fifty strides from the junior college. In fact, I can see parts of it through my living room window.





I am a nineteen year old (20 next week) girl who has been living in Santa Rosa all of her life. My plans for the future are far from set, I haven't even picked a major yet, but I do hope to see the world. I am very interested in Japanese culture and one of my current major courses of study is Japanese language (I am in my second semester). I love jpop, anime, etc. I guess I could be classified as a "nerd" but I like to avoid labels.



Assignment 1B | Assignment 1C | Photos

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