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The forest around you is very, very still as you walk the gently sloping path down to the valley.
A cool evening breeze talks sleepily to the trees, from somewhere far away in the distance the soft calls of a cuckoo reach your ears. Behind you, the snowcapped peaks are outlined towards the sky of a deepening northern night. The brook that has been your constant companion since you left the manison is now murmuring very quietly to itself. One of the last sunbeams paints the water in all golden tones and as you pause for a moment words from an old poem comes unbidden to your mind.

Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh,
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch

(Over all the peaks
It is peaceful,
In all the treetops
You feel
Hardly a breath of wind)

The air is cool and sweet-scented, it fills your heart and wash your tierdness away. Then, you see her! She is standing at the edge of the forest where nothing had been before. It is like a veil had been drawn from your eyes, allowing you to behold her presence.


Light is shimmering in the air around her, and even the slightest shift of her delicate ears is dance - but it is her dark eyes that entrance you. Things of beauty can be both joy and melancholy, you've never felt it this strongly before. Perhaps your heart is breaking, this is too much to hold for a mortal-born human. And she speaks. Her voice lavender and golden-toned sunlight in your mind. "Sella li, Kavernin. I am Dil'anatha, Morning Magic." She arches her neck in greeting. "Walk in peace."


Then she is gone, leaving you to rub your eyes and wonder if it was but a dream. Finally, you walk up to the forest edge. There in the dust you find it, just one perfect hoofprint of a unicorn. Hanging on the branch of a bushy
fir is a small sign.

Name: Dil'anathaGender: Female Class: Theli
Meaning: Morning MagicGlory: FilanastaId: 315
Birth Charity: TetheranCharity: Li Re Ereth Nathe BuriMate: Searching...
Parents: L x DTorines, Tetheran Mare, Id: L
Turran'entrada, Tetheran Stallion, Id D
Land of birth: Alonnia, The Silver Unicorn.

Charity Of The First Autumn Frost.

Walk on.


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