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A Crystal Unicorn.


The small stream flow this way and that down the hillside and the path that you are walking is following along. Overhead the vaulted roof of branches is opening up into a meadow. The brook is running wider here and you can see fish against the clean rocks, only slowly moving their fins so as not to be swept away. You raise your face towards the sun, enjoying the peace, when... WHAM!

Something large hit your shoulder. You stagger. stumble for balance and then luckily your hand close over something smooth and cool. Looking up, you realise that you are holding a huge, green unicorn stallion by the horn.

"Sorry!" You say and hurriedly clasp your hands behind your back. "No problem" His eyes are glittering with laughter as he dance away from you, bucking a few times on the way for good measure. "I didn't see you before I jumped. You are okay, right?"

You nod in reply as a jingling reach your ears, following the green stallion another, pony-sized unicorn jumps the brook. His coat remind you of buttercups and the hat and bells that he is wearing give him a festive apperance. "I'm Ztekyki'," he introduce himself, "and this bulldozer here is Emerl'Sha".


A swift movement on the other side of the brook catch your attention. A pure white mare rears up at the edge of the forest. She bobs her head in greeting, and as you are watching the strangest thing happens. A small bird lands on her back for just a moment, leaving behind a flower nestled into her mane. "That is Kikoka'chen" Ztekyki'says. After introducing yourself to all of them you ask, curiously "What did that bird just do?" "Oh" Ztekyki' replies "They use some loose hairs from our mane and tail to line their nests, so he was just saying thank you."

With a smile and a nod you prepare to walk on.


Name: Kikoka'chen
Meaning: "Dancing Petals"
Gender: Mare
Species: Mini Crystal Unicorn
Id: 848
Band: Searching...
Meaning: N/A
Parents: Wild
B.Band: Unknown
From: The Valley Adoptions


Name: Ztekyki'
Meaning: "Snow Spot"
Gender: Stallion
Species: Mini Crystal Unicorn
Id: 734
Band: Searching...
Meaning: N/A
Parents: Wild
B.Band: Unknown
From: The Valley Adoptions


Name: Warhmt's'Emerl'Sha
Meaning: "Summer's Green Lace"
Gender: Stallion
Species: Crystal Unicorn
Id: 710
Band: Aneg'Tolkai
Meaning: The Band of Rare Beauty
Parents: Wild
B.Band: Unknown
Special: Mutation (Brilliant colours)
From: The Valley Adoptions
Personality: Very lovable, he
loves to talk and meet new unicorns.
Very fun to be around.

Old image

Walk on.


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