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Corruption of the Poetry Goddess

Conditioned, brainwashed,
to be a toy -
for everyone to play with,
to win, enjoy, destroy.
Dressed up in your finery,
smiling, empty-eyed,
sending out your signals -
"Find me, I'm here - inside!"
Used, abused,
and trying to please,
you taunt and tantalize and tease -
but trapped somewhere,
behind the smile -
a life not worth the living
and nothing worth the while.
Finding one
who seems to care -
desperate to love,
wanting to share ...
you love, you fight,
you lose, again -
another scar to wear.
Then through the dark confusion
of your mind -
you sight that tiny, magic patch
of blue.
Through pain and patience
you grow yourself a soul,
to find
the one you always needed
as a true
and understanding friend
is you.


  • Sex with my lover
  • Women
  • Stimulating conversation
  • Random thoughts
  • Rumbling thunder
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Fire & ice roses
  • A woman's laugh
  • Long hair
  • 'Absolut' New York Billboard


  • Prejudice
  • Homophobia
  • Cancer
  • Humidity
  • Miscommunications
  • My financial situation
  • Shitty bussing systems
  • Loud obnoxious noises
  • Bigotry
  • Being deaf

    Move on already!

    Quote Me
    Touch Me
    A Sad, Sad Day in History
    Poetic Justice
    Animal Pic Obsession
    My Goddess

    Write Me, Dammit!