Welcome To My World | Lyrics | 17 Thing's I'd Call Songs | Failed


I'll never fail you now,
it seems i've always let you down,
i swear, i'll cope,
you won't choke on me,
i swear this year will be better than the last.
I'll meet you half way, raise the flag to half mast,
i'll push us that bit further,
take what we can from this relationship,
a good thing, while the world is still frozen in greed and dillusion,
we'll move on regardless.

We could make it? I think so,
just your breath, enough to dry my tears,
just your voice, enough to keep me still,
i can make it, so can you.

I swear i'll hold strong for you,
i wont fail, like i've done before,
a man can only break so much,
rebuilt i stand, i stand for you, i stand for you alone,
for you i stand alone.
I should never have let go of your hand,
the biggest mistake, everytime i failed you,
we flew apart, ripping my heart in two;
both halves went to you, what was left for me? Nothing;
Please love me, please sweet darling,
just love me.

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