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A Final Word

Attila (03/01/03)

These final two weeks have been a chance for us to enjoy Brazil in a relaxed atmosphere taking in neighbouring cities and tasting more of the vast cultural offering. Christmas was spent in a small town called Gaibu on a wonderful quiet beach. We enjoyed visiting friends that have become close to us over our time here and celebrated Steph’s birthday. We settled into a completely new rhythm of Brazil; the slow Brazilian Samba of Jorge Ben rather than the frantic charging rhythms of the carnival. It has been a time for reflection and a preparation to saying farewell. Almost everyone I have said good-bye to has asked when I will be back. They all seem very ready to receive us again and there is certainly more of Brazil to see. The door stays open with music playing and a plate full of wonderful tropical fruits ready for us to enjoy under the Brazilian sun. Some of us are already planning the return, others have still to digest this experience, but it is clear we have been all bitten by Brazil with it’s intoxicating culture and curious idiosyncrasies. Salut Brazil and obrigado.