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June 2, 1999

Haven't had a chance to update the update page lately. Kinda funny, I've updated just about the whole site, except for the update page. So now it time to do just that. Let's see... I gave up on the dating page. It seems that if you exclude queers and weirdos, there is no one left to advertise. Odd, I thought a free personal page would catch on. It always costs a bundle to contact someone from the ads in the newspaper. I guess I am unlike other people when I refuse to pay money for a chance to maybe find what you are looking for sorta. I like to actually get something when I pay for it. I put a web cam up. It's not going to get racy or anything of that sort. Most likely all it will ever show is me looking at the monitor while I am web surfing. Every now and then my niece Sarah or one of my kids or another family member will come in. That is about it. I took down the anti-war thing I had up. The war is or should be over so there's no point protesting something that is not happening. It was a gross miscarriage of justice. Something that the leaders of Nato should spend many years in a nasty prison for. I think Pink Floyd's idea of the Fletcher Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings is something that needs to be a reality. What do we need these stupid idiots for anyway? To get our sons and friends killed because one of them had a traumatic childhood? (In case you are uninformed, Maddy Albright grew up near Serbia and has a long lasting hatred of the Serbian people. They did something that really gored her ox so she pushed this war as something that had to be done over the objections of nearly all the military types.) Presidents and Prime Ministers are useless fiureheads of the elite. They are pawns in a game that very few even know is going on. I won't get into it now, read "The Unseen Hand" by Ralph Epperson. It explains what is going on better than I could. Gee, get me started on that war thing and I don't know when to shut up do I? Anyway, There is new stuff on my site so check it out and tell your friends. I want to get 10,000 hits by the fall. I know you can do it. So tell em all.

Added to Lane Report. Added a personal ad page. Been a while since last update. Been busy.
New rocket page added. Not much else. I have been very busy lately and haven't had time to work with this thing.
Maybe more in a couple of weeks.
Keep Checking back!

Update 3-19-98

My system crashed. I had to reload all my stuff. I had no backup. Anyone have a zip drive for sale?
Getting near 100 hits on my web page. Well, 100 since I put the hit counter in. I am currently in the process of converting my poetry from pencil and paper to html. It will take a while, I have been writing for about 20 years and haven't thought to organize a thing until now. I got a digital camera. I am wanting to put some cool pics on this site, but am at a loss as to what exactly is a cool pic. I thought of just going to the bathroom and taking a few of myself, but even I don't like looking at me naked. It is a merciful thing to do, for your sakes that I don't do that. That's the problem with living out in the boonies, nothing to see but woods and sky.

Speaking of seeing things, I was getting out of my truck and going inside when my brother-in-law said "What the hell is that?!" I turned to see a large, multicolored object flying at high speed near the tree tops. It could have been a parachute, but there were no planes around and he hadn't desended. We might have seen that. It was also too windy for anyone to try to parachute. It may have been a hot air balloon, but if it was, I would have heard about it on the tv. (A hot air balloon going as fast as that thing was going would have killed the occupants when it hit the ground.) So what was it? I am out of guesses. It couldn't have been a spaceship, I think, because no one has ever told of a red, white and blue billowy craft. You tell me. You can tell me what kind of pics to put up here also. I would like that, I would like that very much.

copyright 1998 Hondo Walker