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Does God Exist?

YES> How do we know? Well, a very smart feller along time ago did a few expiriments. These expiriments had to do with the origin of life. What did he do? He placed some non-living material in a jar. He sealed the jar. He waited for life to appear. None ever did. You know why? BECAUSE LIFE NEVER, EVER COMES FROM NON-LIFE. Period. It doesn't matter if you wait six months or 60,000,000,000 years, you will not get any life from non-life. It is sad that men and women spend years and years in school, only to forget that one PROVEN fact about life's origins. Now, if life only comes from life, where did the first life come from? GOD. That is how we know God exists, because we do. We cannot exist unless there is a GOD because we cannot just spring up from wet rock, no matter how long you wait.

Sorry if you disagree, but remember, I AM RIGHT ABOUT THIS!!
