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Now is the time of our great distress. It has been coming for a long time. We should have been ready, we had been given 2,000 years to reform our ways. But now it is too late. The terrors are upon us. Let me give you some information on how this all started. You see, it was in the early 1990's and I was just trying to survive as all of us do. I had heard a lot of junk science about global warming and the ozone layer. I thought it was all just a bunch of rubbish. I was right about that one, but when El Nino came along, it was hard to ignore. A great series of fires burned Indonesia and the smoke caused everyone in that area to get sick. Then El Nino started to vanish. We thought that it was over. Then Mexico caught fire. This was much worse than the fires in Indonesia, the Mexicans had sprayed a large area with paraquat and other chemicals. This is what burned. The chemicals came north the good ole USA. Months later thousands of people started to get sick from the residues. Florida and Texas were the hardest hit. 25,000 men women and children sick and dying from the smoke. Then it was the hurricanes.  15 major hurricanes hit the eastern US in three months. New York was the hardest hit. Nearly half a million killed by buildings collapsing and glass flying around. This was the final straw for our president. He declared martial law and suspended the constitution. No one could travel without permission. The militia went nuts. They started to bomb government buildings and raiding National Guard armories for the weapons. This caused the Feds to start house to house searches that resulted in many thousands of Feds and civilian deaths. The whole country was falling apart.
About that time a man named Nero came to office as the European president. The entire continent was in love with this man. He could do no wrong. He went from a nobody from some obscure part of eastern Europe to the leader of the most powerful nation of Earth. The US was in so much turmoil that we couldn't defend ourselves from Grenada, much less Europe. He took over our country without so much as one soldier firing a single bullet. He just signed a treaty. Most of America was in love with this man also. It only took him 6 months take over the rest of the world. He only had to fight with three countries. They were North Korea, China and Russia. North Korea was the only one he won. Russia thought that they were going to take over the middle east and sent seven million soldiers to Israel. After fighting with Nero they had been reduced to horseback for the most part.  That was when the strangest thing happened. Fire came down from the sky and killed all but one sixth of the soldiers. The bodies took seven months to clean up. Nero took all the credit for this. The whole world started to look upon him as a god. About that time the whole of creation seemed to rebel against this man. Meteors the size of houses started to rain down. These meteors destroyed all the large cities of the world. I will never forget the news reports, one billion dead. Then these weird insects started to show up. They looked like a cross between scorpions, locust, man and horse. Their bite was supposed to be worse than any pain ever described, they weren't fatal, if they had been then I guess they wouldn't have been all that bad. Their sting would paralyze their victims so that they couldn't even kill themselves to end their pain. Right about this time, Nero thought that everyone on Earth should worship him as god. He decided that everyone had to go down to his local ‘temple' and say an oath of allegiance. When they did this they would get a mark on their right hand. If they had no right hand it went to their forehead. No one could buy anything without this mark. This made it very hard on me, cause I wouldn't take the mark. I worship the only true god, Jesus. There were men looking for me all the time, I had to live in the woods, eating anything I could scrounge. Luckily I had a laptop and a old type cell phone. You know, the kind that is hard to trace. I could still get news in my cave that I made my home. There were many earthquakes and after a few my home was demolished. Then a meteor the size of a mountain hit the Atlantic ocean. The tidal wave went 200 miles inland. Everything was destroyed. Another half billion dead from just the waves. The debris raining down killed another half billion. The ocean seemed to turn to blood. Everything in it died. Then another meteor hit and it turned all the rivers and fresh water to blood. It was poison to anyone who was fool enough to drink it. And this is the freaky part, even water that was in bottles and storage tanks turned to blood. Even the water that was in the soda pop. I nearly died of thirst, but Jesus seemed to help me out and I found a small spring that would give me fresh water when I needed it. I couldn't store any of it though. The news was getting less and less frequent. Nero had taken over all forms of media and it became real hard to find any news that didn't constantly praise him. The pope had given the Vatican and all property of the catholic church to Nero. The pope started doing strange things whenever Nero was around. He would call fire from heaven, heal people and all sorts of miracles and wonders. Then these two guys showed up in Jerusalem. They were preaching the gospel of Jesus and it made the whole world mad. Several times some one would try to kill them, but they would be consumed by fire before they could get within ten feet of him. These two guys then told the rain to stop. And stop it did. It didn't rain for 6 months. I mean it did not rain ANYWHERE for 6 months. Nero hated these two and had offered millions of dollars to anyone who would kill them.  When no one would try anymore, Nero himself went down there. Funny though, he shot them dead at the scene and there was no fire. It was like Christmas over the whole Earth. Everyone was celebrating and exchanging gifts, Nero called a world holiday. I hope they enjoyed it, cause things really went downhill from there. There was an earthquake so great that nothing that man had made survived. Every wall and every building collapsed. Another 1.5 billion dead. There were more meteor showers, each one worse than the last. There was this disease that struck everyone who had taken the mark. It covered their whole bodies with sores that ran puss and stunk. People were trying desperately to commit suicide, but nothing would kill them. The sky got dark. There was only 1 hour of daylight in a day. The trees all burned up, and so did all the grass. The wind stopped. All the wind, everywhere. Right now there are over 1 billion men and women gathering at the valley of Megiddo, also known as Armageddon. They are going to fight what they say is an alien invasion, due to land any day now right there in the valley. I know that this is Jesus and all the saints returning, and that man will lose this fight. I hope He comes soon, I don't think I will survive much longer. By the way, the year is 2012. I wrote this as a record of the last 7 years of events. I don't know if anyone will find this. I have to go now. The time is at hand. The end is here. Woe to all who do not follow the Lamb.
