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Warning! Dangerous info ahead!

The following information has been banned by order of some liberal wacko judge out west. In the interest of free speech and the free flow of knowledge, along with the principles of freedom that include the right to say things that really piss folks off, I post these pages. I understand that some of you may somehow think I endorse this or condone it. Those who think like that are wrong. However, just because I disagree with something doesn't mean I have the right to keep everyone else from it. That judge doesn't have that right either. If you are offended by lists of names then please do not visit the following page. Use your back button to leave, please. These pages will not be updated and are for archive purposes. I didn't download the images, so they won't work. The links and email won't work either, well most of them won't. These are just two of the pages, not the entires banned site

Never hurt anyone! Treat folks with respect and leave these people listed here alone. Be nice to one another.

Warning! these may be offensive, stay away

Banned page 1