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Antares Stella: 'allos
Polaristella: heys!
Antares Stella: How's you be today? = )
Polaristella: Ahh, good good, danke. ^^ and yourself?
Antares Stella: That's nice to hear so.. aand.. gh; M'not feelin' that good. ._.;;;; thankies anyway.
Polaristella: Ahh;;; sorry to hear of that. Hopefully you'll get better soon. oO;;; What's you up to?
Antares Stella: Thankie thankies. And not much for me.. just got on... you?
Polaristella: I see. And I've just finished cleaning some doodles; ^-^a;;
Antares Stella: ^^ Ahh so?
Polaristella: yaah. X3;; just some sketches of... the sequel to SS? lol. 6__6
Antares Stella: :D Really? Can I see??
Polaristella: ^^;;; heee;; sures. Upload/e-mail?
Antares Stella: Ah, upload please!
Polaristella: rogers! X3
Polaristella: Ahkay.. This one is just a face sketch draft. This is one of Aureole, this one is of a new character, and this one is another chara. ^^; And this one is of Aureole and Lian in chibi.. being happy and excited about uh, "Quyen's birthday" is coming up and that they're going to have a party for it.. XD;; That's all. ^^>
Antares Stella: ~ *goes to see*
Polaristella: XD;
Antares Stella: Ahh, those are very nice~! ^o^
Polaristella: ^__^;;; nyaah, they are just rough drafts.;; Sankyuu though!
Antares Stella: So thay're drafts, I love em anyway! ^.^ *likes the new charries!*
Polaristella: ^-^; lol! Sankyuu sankyuu;;;
Antares Stella: ^^~
Polaristella: want to rp if you're not busy? o.O
Antares Stella: ^^ Sure.
Polaristella: yayness~~~ XDDDDD
Antares Stella: ^-^ ahh.. so.. what should we be doing next?
Polaristella: X3............ *blinks quietly* ...ummmh..; *sweatdrops*
Antares Stella: ^-^;;........;;;
Polaristella: XD;;; hehehe...;; *haven't thought of any ideas these last few days;;; does so now;*
Antares Stella: ^^> *is the same*
Polaristella: <.<...>.>... *paces;; not getting any decent ideas at the moment;;* unghh...; I'm trying to plan an attack..; but, I can't plan it fully..;
Antares Stella: T__T> nya..; imma not getting anything.....;;;;
Polaristella:;; unnnn..; *thinks more*
Polaristella: Well.. so far I got the idea in my head that the next day the music room is being searched by the school security, so students aren't allowed to use it for now. 9.9b Cynthia was somewhat talking with Rell about the event that happened to the 3rd year students that were in the music room yesterday, while watching the music room being searched. Then when they were walking away from the room, Elemzia somewhat walked past them in the same corridor, and yet right after, an attack was shot down right at the three of them and that happen to have came from Royce.. o.oa; So Royce were taking on the three of them at once in ease until he was driven away by the arrival of Reggines who's with Schurch in the corridor...; That's how much I thought of.. ~.~>; Not all detailed yet.;
Antares Stella: Ahh so.. ahks! wanna start off then? = )
Polaristella: ^^; ahhie, okies then!
Polaristella: o.o;;; wo...........;;;;; *swt;; watches the music room being investigated by the sceurities while standing outside the door* What news comes by?;; I heard the whole 3rd years from class B didn't attend classes today after whatever happened last night?
Antares Stella: .. *sighs, standing next to her silent for a moment before eyeing at her* Yeah.. something strange happened that night while everyone was getting settled in.
Polaristella: Ahh so? ~.~;;; *sighs* What happened?;; Did anyone got hurt?
Antares Stella: *shakes his head* No major injuries I've heard of. But it was really awkward... everyone was drawn into different places.. Everyone had gotten out, at least what I heard.. but.. nn..; *sighs* I'm not sure what happened really.;
Polaristella: 9__9;;; mm...;; *sweatdrops and looked back into the room* o.o;;; I see...; and everyone was in this room too...?; I didn't know it has secret passages..; *swt*
Antares Stella: Neither did I.; *shrugs*
Polaristella: ~.~ Hmmn.;; well at least they're all okay now.; That's the relief.. 6.6>; *sighs before stepping away from the room when the securities told them to stay away from the door*
Antares Stella: I guess.; It's still freaking everyone out.; *walks*
Polaristella: *sweatdrops and walks as well* '_'; Well I hope you'll all find your way to continue the practice for the concert.; This is going to hold you all back from that, huh.;
Antares Stella: I suppose. --_--; I'm pretty sure most of the students are happy about it.. but I know we'll get even more hell about practicing..
Polaristella: ._______.;;;;;;;;;;;;....; *swt;;* hmm.;
Antares Stella: ... *walking in silence ignoring them when stepping past them*
Polaristella: .... *throws down a large sphere of flames at them in a flash*
Antares Stella: ..! *stops quickly when taking one of Cynthia's arms and pulling her with him to dodge*
Polaristella: --!?; *eyes widened when looking up quickly afterwards* Eh???;;;;;;
Antares Stella: *eyes back quickly after dodging*
Polaristella: <^_^> iyaaa..; *watches down to them while floating below the ceilings* I missed, I missed. Darn, there was three fishes just there..;
Polaristella: Oo;; *sweatdrops and watches, bewildered* ............Is he insane for attacking three people at once here...?
Antares Stella: . . . .*shot up icicles at him in the sudden with no warning*
Antares Stella: *eyes over slightly and watches with a sweatdrop*
Polaristella: >D Ohohooo~~~ *drew back a bit before letting flames to fire up in front of him and melts away the icicles*
Polaristella: ~_~d!!;; He's a magi... too..;?
Antares Stella: uh;; brb; we thought we heard a gunshot;;;;;)
Antares Stella: * )
Polaristella: O_o;;;;; kks;;; )
Antares Stella: back; eh.. there was no clouds in the sky so it couldn't have thunder.. o_o;; prolly was a gun.;;; )
Polaristella: o___________o .......... o...; wb....; *is really relieved you're back;;;;;* )
Antares Stella: thankies. 6.6>; So shall we continue? )
Polaristella: aye ^^;;;;;;; )
Antares Stella: *just glares, starting another spell*
Polaristella: :Do Ufufufu~ glad seeing you again! This time you no run, neee? *just lets smaller spheres of fire to appear around them before lunging them down towards all three of them*
Antares Stella: .. *thrusts his hands forward to shoot roots through the window and towards Royce violently*
Polaristella: *giggled and lets his body burns in fire quickly when the roots shot towards him and burns the roots with the fire easily before reappearing before Rell and Cynthia* ^_^o Heee~
Polaristella: !!!!!; *lets the ground shake and rock approaches up from the floors to block away the flames he shot towards them*
Antares Stella: *eyes at Cynthia for a moment in silence for a moment before shooting a wave of force at Royce to push him away*
Antares Stella: *shoots another spell at him at the same time*
Polaristella: *let himself fade into flames again and letting the flame die out in the wave and letting the spell hits the wall of rocks to break it down, appears in his previous spot while holding out his hand as a whip of fire forms* ^-^~ fun fun-uu!
Polaristella: Hhh..; *dusting small pebbles off from herself after the rocks were destroyed and eyes up warily*
Antares Stella: *just glares*
Polaristella: >D eii~~~ *whips at them violently in rapid moves*
Polaristella: ..! *shuts her eyes when it whipped at her side once and tries to block as much attacks as she can with the rocks appearing and defending her*
Antares Stella: *holds up his hands to block off some barely when stepping back twice*
Antares Stella: . . . . .*endures some while glaring and shot another force at him*
Polaristella: *grins and held out his other hand out, hurling out spirals of flames and pushing the force back three times stronger towards all of them*
Antares Stella: kh..*slid back and held onto one of the wall to keep his balance*
Antares Stella: *got pushed back with a glare and shot a few heavy shard towards him*
Polaristella: *eyed over and fired the spirals towards the shards and melts them, letting it lunge straight for him*
Antares Stella: *gritts his teeth while enduring, staggering back*
Polaristella: ghh... *eyed up quickly and held her hand forth to hurl earth drills towards Royce*
Polaristella: Hehe~ *dodges them easily and letting them hit at the walls and ceilings* too slow~ >D~! *sprays walls of flames towards her at one go*
Polaristella: --! *held up the barriers to block them away and shuts her eyes tightly when taking the blows after it breaks again*
Antares Stella: *shot some roots at him rapidly*
Polaristella: *lets them pierce into his body and burns it off from inside his body and letting the fire travel back along the roots towards Rell*
Antares Stella: *shot the roots awat from him to burn away*
Antares Stella: *glares coldly when shifting out elbow blades and attacked Royce from the back suddenly*
Polaristella: Heehee.. *grins back towards him slightly when letting him cut the blades into his back while letting another one of himself to appear above him*
Antares Stella: --? *looks up quickly*
Polaristella: !? *eyes widened and gets up quickly* Look out..!
Antares Stella: *glares up quickly*
Polaristella: *smirks when pulling himself away from the blade, letting it wreck his flesh while cracking out his whip along with his other self and whipped at Elemzia at the same time, wrapping it around his body to let it feel burns from the whip*
Antares Stella: !!! *gritts his teeth while shutting his eyes tightly*
Polaristella: Hh.. *frowns and staggers up slowly when starting a spell as fast as she could*
Polaristella: Ufufu~~ ^^ *lets another one of himself to appear in front of her and grabs her at the neck*
Polaristella: Aa! *shuts her eyes tightly when he gripped tight on her neck, trying to pull away*
Antares Stella: *glares angrily when forming a sharp root wo snap at the root*
Polaristella: Hmn.. *eyed over when still gripping tightly on Cynthia's neck and his other two appearance keeping their whips bounding Elemzia, holds out his hand towards Rell and forming a small sphere by it*
Antares Stella: *just shutting his eyes in silence*
Antares Stella: brb real quick! )
Polaristella: kks! )
Antares Stella: ahks; nm..; xX; dun mind me.; )
Polaristella: ^^;; lol;; kks )
Antares Stella: *glares angrily when starting another spell*
Polaristella: ..... unn.. *grins and lets a large flame to burst out towards him from the small sphere suddenly before he could start the spell*
Antares Stella: --..! *closed his eyes tightly, stepping back once to cover with one arm*
Polaristella: Hehee.... ^__^~! *lets the large fire to surround him merciless while slamming Cynthia against the wall to press his hand harder against her neck, while letting his other two forms to throw Elemzia down onto the ground and keeping the fire whips bounded around his body*
Antares Stella: gh...!! *breaths in after flinching and glares up while he felt himself weaken from the heat slowly*
Polaristella: dhh... *kept her eyes closed when gasping helplessly, trembling violently while giving up on trying to pull away*
Polaristella: Hee, listen listen~ ^^ when Royce have you all knocked out, he'll have better fun with youuu!
Polaristella: .... *glared slightly with her eyes barely opened* .. kh... darn...sick bastard..+
Antares Stella: . . . .*pants silently from the heat surrounding him*
Polaristella: ^o^ ehehe~~--
Polaristella: ....better fun.. like what..
Polaristella: --o.o; *pauses and looked back slightly when keeping the three of them under his hands*
Polaristella: ...? *barely able to see with her vision hazing away, busier in getting air;*
Polaristella: Hopefully it
Polaristella: *Hopefully it's something that's more legal within the school's territory... *eyeing slightly when waiting at the edge of a corridor outside from the area;*
Polaristella: o.o............ hnn.. *looked past his shoulder*
Polaristella: ... *just keeping himself in the shadow from other's sight*
Polaristella: .... -.-; ungg... *sighs and hazed away from Cynthia, letting go of her while his other two selves fades in flames, releasing Elemzia as the fire around Rell dies out*
Polaristella: ..! *coughs for air rapidly and held her own neck quickly when supporting herself against the wall*
Antares Stella: ...; *sighs when slowly propping himself up*
Antares Stella: . . . .*breaths in and out weakily when forcing himself to sit up*
Polaristella: Hmph.... o.O *reappearing in one body by a window* If you keep disturbing me like that, you're probably the one I should get rid fiiiirst. =O
Polaristella: ........ that'd be a good chance for me to pay you back some price.
Polaristella: ^_^ Oya oya~ such confident words~ *chuckles* I'll look forward you your pay-back~ =P Hopefully next time I'll be doing this somewhere else out of your reach. u.o> *sighs and tips himself out from the window*
Antares Stella: *blinks watching and looks at Reggines;;*
Polaristella: .... *narrowed eyes slowly* at least the school didn't catch on fire, yet.. ... it's best to treat burns with cold water than ice.
Polaristella: ~ ~ ........ *kept still against the wall for a moment, not looking up* ... hh..;
Antares Stella: ..; *just sighs with a nod and looks at Cynthia* Need some help?
Polaristella: *shakes head* ungh.. I'll be fine.. I didn't get as much pains... *sighs and stood up straight slowly* erm, take care of your wounds.. ~.~
Antares Stella: *nods again slightly and just held one side of his head to start walking slowly*
Antares Stella: ..*set one hand on a wall to pull himself up slowly, still a bit dizzy*
Polaristella: *had started walking back to the girl's dorm quietly*
Polaristella: .. *watches them quietly before looking back to Elemzia* You'll be fine?
Antares Stella: *eyeing away from him and just nods very slowly, holding onto one of his shoulder to grasp the burns*
Polaristella: ... *just tapped Reggines' shoulder when walking past him* he's quiet and stubborn, mind you...
Polaristella: .. *eyed back to him slightly to watch him walk off towards another hallway to head for the library and looked back to Elemzia quietly*
Antares Stella: Hh...*very slowly closed his eyes in silence while keeping one hand grasped to his shoulder and one set lightly against the wall to force himself to walk slowly*
Polaristella: ...... .. *watches for a moment before suddenly taking the hand that's grasping on the burns gently to prop him up and keeping the burns from getting worser*
Antares Stella: ? *looks up at him*
Polaristella: *just sighed quietly when setting him away from the wall and starts walking him slowly*
Antares Stella: ...........*watches him* ... *glares away* don't bother troubling yourself.. I can make it to my room on my own..
Polaristella: I saw no trouble bothering me. I don't leave wounded people at the side of a street either.
Antares Stella: I'm not asking for your help.
Polaristella: I didn't want a request of help either.
Antares Stella: ....... ......... .......ugh..// *eyes away with a frown*
Polaristella: *just keeps walking until they reached the room and unlocks the door easily with only a hand, opening it before walking him in*
Antares Stella: *just kept himself from making eye contact in silence when recieving the help*
Polaristella: *sits him down on a bed slowly before looking back and heads for the bathroom quietly*
Antares Stella: .....*kept eyeing down with a frown*..why...does he keep helping me.........
Antares Stella: Why do I keep letting him help me...?
Antares Stella: ......I'm too weak even to protect myself, aren't I... *shuts his eyes slowly*
Polaristella: .. *watches him quietly when placing a bowl of cold water and a towel on the small table next to the bed and placing a roll of bandage bext to the bowl* ... treat your burns with this. If you want, wrap them first before compressing them with icepack, or something.. *gets back up slowly*
Antares Stella: ........*kept unmoved quietly*
Polaristella: *just sighs closing his eyes and heads out straight away quietly*
Antares Stella: ..... ... ..n..*looks up finally when he did so*
Antares Stella: hhh....
Antares Stella: ....Idiot..... *shuts his eyes again* not even a damn thankyou..could you..
Antares Stella: ....*frowns and looks at the bowl in silence*
Antares Stella: *nothing else to say with him*; )
Polaristella: ^^>; kks. Jaa, I don't have anything else either.;;; Done here then huh..? x.xa;;; )
Antares Stella: yaah; ^^> )
Polaristella: 6___6>;; hhhh.. now for the next thing.. x.x;;;;; *needs to think again* )
Antares Stella: 6_6; *same* What should we work on..?; )
Polaristella: .__.; mmm..; not sure yet. ~___~>;;; what do you think?; )
Antares Stella: nadda sure.. unless I wanna just kill off Viola... o_o; It doesn't really head straight for major battle..; Cause Alduin actually disappears for a lil bit after he..erm... gave Viola the boot; xx;;;..; )
Polaristella: :D; ahh..; hmmn.; Kk, that is up to you if you'd like to do it now or not.. ^^>; I won't mind any ways. we could do more scenes if you don't want to do it too soon. )
Antares Stella: Well, I don't care either way..; ^^; That's if we can't think of anything. )
Polaristella: ^_^a lol;; *doesn't mind either* though I might at least want Alduin to stay until the celebration was over.. =X needing him for the funny pool scene. )
Antares Stella: ahkee )
Polaristella: so do you have any planned scenes you could do before reaching Viola's death though? <O.o )
Antares Stella: I don't really have any.. ._.;;;;; )
Polaristella: ^^;;;;; aaahkay;;;.. 6_6>; nnng..; *goes back thinking* )
Antares Stella: 9.9; *thinks as well* )
Polaristella: --_--a; hmmm...; I don't have any decent ones yet so far. TT.TT; only a short one in the 3rd year's home group just to announce they will still continue practicing.. in the garden on the rooftop, while the music room is out of bound..; )
Antares Stella: ~ ~; wanna try that then? )
Polaristella: Y_Y I guess.; Hopefully while we go we can come up with something.. X.x> )
Antares Stella: ks.. wanna start off then? )
Polaristella: kks! )
Polaristella: ._. okay.. *stops writing on the board after looking at the time and looked back to the students* That's all for today, students. o.od
Polaristella: =.=?; Sir, there's still 15 more minutes to go..;
Polaristella: ^^; Yesss, well the 15 minutes time will be needed for an announcement. = )o
Polaristella: 9_9;? *watches, while packing away*
Antares Stella: *eyes up while closing his notebook*
Polaristella: You all know the music practices had been cancelled for the last three days now, and it is still out of bound.. o.od So there's something to be announced to you about the practice..
Polaristella: What...? :D That all that has to be cancelled and we won't play as musicians in the celebration?
Polaristella: >O That would be an unfortunate news!
Polaristella: *snickes* XD;; It's not, for us..; --Then the announcement would be something fortunate? 9.9
Antares Stella: *just eyeing out th ewindow to ignore in silence*
Polaristella: u.uo Yes. Since you are unable to use the music room, you all still can rehearse up at the garden on the rooftop. ^-^b
Polaristella: --heeeeehhhh? --______--;;;;;;
Polaristella: ahh, brb real quick;; Oo; )
Antares Stella: ahks! )
Polaristella: backs, dun mind me! )
Antares Stella: alrighty )
Polaristella: ^-^ yes. Isn't that a good news?
Antares Stella: ..*doesn't think this announcment required15 minutes*;
Polaristella: <TT___TT>;;;;;; nooooooooooooooooooo~~~~;;;;; the rooftop!;; what sort of idea did you get that from???;;
Polaristella: ^^a ...............;; w..e..ll....;
Polaristella: ... it was my idea.
Polaristella: --Oo;;;;;... *pauses and looked over quickly*
Polaristella: . . . . *narrowing a glare quietly*
Polaristella: :D;;..
Polaristella: ....;;;;;;;;;;;;; ahh... --_-->;;;;;; *sweatdrops and looked away silently*
Polaristella: ^^o; So then, I hope you'll all practice well! Three days were wasted away but I'm sure you'll all be able to perform well if you practiced hard. ^-^
Polaristella: ~_~;;;;; *muttered* nghh....;; thank you for such encouragement sir.. -- --
Antares Stella: *just finished quietly putting his stuff away meanwhile*
Polaristella: ^_^> hahaha, I do love my students. *looked up when the bell starts ringing* okay, have a good break before practicing tonight then, everyone. :Do
Polaristella: --_-- yessss sirrrr... *had got up lazily and totters out*
Antares Stella: *just waited as usual for students to get out of the way while sitting in his seat*
Polaristella: *had walked out while the teacher talked to him meanwhile*
Antares Stella: - -> *sighs, walking out*
Polaristella: oO;;; that's all for the short scene, I suppose?; *swt* )
Antares Stella: 9.9a; he, I guesso; )
Polaristella: u__u>;; haiiii, well that's the end of my idea for now so far.. @.@; *sighs* )
Antares Stella: 6.6; *thinks* )
Polaristella: ~.~; *does too* )
Antares Stella: *sighs* Imma still empty.. *looks at the time* An' I gtg to bed now.. Mom'll get mad if she sees me up.; )
Polaristella: ahkay then ^^;;; )
Antares Stella: Hope to see you tomorrow? )
Polaristella: yup yupper! sweet dreams and hope you'll get better o.o )
Antares Stella: thankies, bai bai )
Polaristella: byes )
Antares Stella signed off at 7:39:33 PM.