A Bowl Of Life

Poetry, Essays, Pics, & More!!


1. Krista's Poetry
2. Friends' Poetry
3. The Poetry Game
4. Shorts and Essays
5. YAY Pictures!!!!

**What's New?**

Comments, Questions, or Submissions? Then Write Me Silly!

Want More Poetry?

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The Writer's Chat Workshop

We meet every Friday night at 9pm Pacific - 12 midnight Eastern

The weekly topic is "sorry have no clue ".
Write a short story, poem, essay, song using the topic, or something of your own choice that was screaming to you...."WRITE ME!!!!....."

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Celebrinal's Page of Poetry & Friends
Emma Rose's Writer's Workshop

Other Favorites:
The WWW famous Joe Cartoons | Shockwave.com

Web art provided by:
Celtic Web Art Celtic-or-Knot ~ FREE Web Art

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Page created by: Krista Wilcox-Cates