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Krissandria's Emotions
Saturday, 24 April 2004
Emotional Roller Coaster
Today has been one of those days from emotional roller coaster hell. Got up felt bogged down and really heavy. Still panicy from the trip out yesterday but mostly alright. Found out some lady in my town was bitten by a spider which left a huge bump which had to be lacerated to drain and then she has been on iv antibiotics for the last few weeks. I am freaked about that to a point even though it is a rare thing. Have to be up early so stayed up all night being it is going on four am right now. I will be up in an hour to take Jeff to work with Lisa and then Crysta her daughter to the bus station for her brownies overnight trip. Then from there to the bottle depo to take in bottles and cans for money. Then to pick Jeff up from work and then home to get ready for the MS walk am helping out with on Sunday. Sunday do the MS walk thing for half the day and then pick Crysta up at the bus station and then come home get some much needed rest and work on some finacial stuff and that which needs to be done pronto. Am having some nightmares again , not so many or so bad since new medication started but some and a few flashbacks to but not half as bothersome and frequent and painful as the ones before started this new medication. Which is a very good thing, well will be thinking of more to write because right now for whatever reason my writers mind is drawing blanks and when that happens , tend to blab on and on about the same thing over and over so will not bore you all with that.

Posted by poetry/krissandria at 6:39 AM EDT
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Friday, 23 April 2004
Riding The Lows
Right now am riding one of my lows. Thankfully not as low as have been in the past. I was on a manic phase for a few weeks which was kind of interesting but not a very usful thing. Espesily when your up till all hours of the night needing very little sleep and can not focus on one thing but on many and that means get something done "No Way". I went out today with my love Aloides and man did the sun do a number on me both sunburnt and sunstroke. Time to bring out the sunscreen and slop it on big time and often. Well other then that been having really bad panic attacks and anxiety problems and not really sure why. Could have been the long walk with Aloides after not being used to that in a long time. But my whole left arm from finger tips to elbow went numb and felt like led trying to pull itself out of my socket. Got a bill in the mail that was not even for me but had my name on it. It was for someone who went to a hospital in Kamloops and got "Testostorne" I am a women and number one would not get that and number two was not in Kamloops ever so how on earth would I be at there hospital for anything? It is after one am and am wide awake with a headache thank goodness it is calming down , but now am getting hungry which means will want to go and get myself something to eat oh the joy of getting hungry at all hours. Medications cause weight gain to and am supposed to lose weight. Well will have to work on that one , right now though with mood swinging so fast in cycles which make me wonder if it will end and they will find the right mix of medications for me even though I know that they will. Will likly post a link to this in my groups which belong to so that they can read along with me. Alot of it is going to be venting and my emotions which are running through me at that time. So some may be flaming about this or that person or thing but it is only venting unless otherwise stated. I am a gentle caring loving women who would never harm anyone. Well right now want to try and build my home page because it is making me made that can not get it to work and do not want to wait for Aloides want to be able to say I did at least one thing on it on my own without help but that might not be possible. Well tootles for now tell ya more latter on. Peace Kassandra

Posted by poetry/krissandria at 4:08 AM EDT
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