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\par \pard\sb100\sa100 \par <\cf0\f1\fs24 marquee bgcolor=FF0000 direction=R> Matsudai no Kokoro's Role-Play Characters \par \pard\sb100\sa100\cf2\v \cf1\v0\f0\fs16 \par
Welcome to my role-play characters' page! Here you will find my role-playing characters broken up into sections. Please don't steal anything on here \par (except for maybe the character profile templates) because I worked very hard, and this is original work. Well, the only thing that isn't mine, are the\par bases of the cartoon dolls. I will put links for where I got the doll bases, but some of the URLs I don't remember, so I'll try as best I can. Sorry if I used your \par doll base without linking back to you! Any thing else is work that I put time into, so please don't steal it! It will make me cry if I find anyone stealing my\par work :'( so please don't do it!

All of the characters are broken down into sections according to their category (i.e. Inuyasha, Buffy, et cetera). There should be a picture or two\par with each one of them. Some of the character's have longer descriptions and different templates. This isn't because I'm lazy (well, yeah I guess it is\par ^_^ but not predominantly anyway) but because I just had a different template at a different time, and some categories require different information\par fields. Oh, and one more thing before I go on to the characters. It's mandatory for me to set a link up to freewebs, because it's just a rule, so if you wanna \par create a neat website like mine, go Here.

Ja ne!

Matsudai no Kokoro (R. Black)






\par Like what you see? Bookmark me! Questions? Comments? Email me at gypsiewitch09@aol.com \cf0\f2\fs20\par }