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Our Latest Vacation Page!!

This is a family picture from our most recent trip to Disney (June 2004). Our oldest daughter, Ashley, pretty much refused to be in any pictures, so unfortunately, it's just the four of us here. This picture was taken in Animal Kingdom. We always go out of our way to make sure we get at least one picture with Mickey! It's tradition!

We've never been to DisneyWorld in June--it was quite an experience. Before we left people told us that Florida was HOT but I don't think you can be prepared for it. It's something you just have to experience for yourself! When we got out of our car for the first time in Florida, the heat just took our breath away! New Jersey gets hot, but not for the extended periods of time that Florida gets hot. It also rains pretty much every day down there--at least it did when we were there. It still didn't keep us from going to the parks everyday! Nothing can keep us from Mickey!

We did go to Typhoon Lagoon, one of the Disney Water Parks, this time around though. WOW! WHAT FUN! It has water slides, raft rides, a huge surf pool, snorkeling and even mini-beaches. We had to force ourselves to leave at the end of the day!

This trip was even more special for us because my father was able to come. Our whole family got together and paid for his Disney trip as a gift for his 60th birthday. He was definitely surprised! We all had our picture taken in front of the Castle--we were even able to get Ashley in on that one--doesn't she looked thrilled?

Even though we have been there at least a half dozen times, we just can't wait to go back again. In my father's words, "People can tell you about in great detail. You can see pictures. You can watch the vacation videos. But, until you've actually been there and experienced it for yourself, you just don't know how amazing it is." How very, very true. It's just incredible.

We're heading back to Disney again in October. This year we'll be there for Halloween and from what I hear it's really amazing. Everyone even wears costumes to the parks! Can't wait to get back there!

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