Welcome to Kitty's Cafe

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If u cant see the pictures then there is a problem with YOUR computer lol jk. and yes, i know most of the sites dont work and have no poems but ive been having health issues and this site is at the bottoms of my prioitys list so get over it. :). also, some ppl have been wondering if these poems are ture to me or if ive done these things, ill only tell u this: i write what i know. interpret that how u want but dont steal then ill sue you cuz im poor and they're ALL copyrighted as some of them say.

I hope you like my stuff. Please sign my guest book and tell me what you think of them. Im sorry most of tem are sad, Im writing happier ones right now. I also have stories but I'll post them later. TTfN!

These are all copyrighted so don't even try stealing them. ">
