
I see the plane,

It's not very tame.

It flies to the tower,

As it goes lower.

It smashes,

As the other one crashes,

People run,

In the hot hot sun.

The first one colapses,

As the other mashes.

The ashes flow,

As the fires grow.

The towers are gone,

Like a short song.

I saw the plane.

Heart Broken

My heart has broken,

I feel the pain.

My heart has broken,

I see it ever so plain.

My heart has borken,

Becuase of a guy.

He sees me,

Doesn't even sigh.

He doesn't care,

Never stops to say, "I'm sorry."

My heart has broken,

I cry I cry.


It rains outside,

But also rains inside.

My eyes get water in them,

As the lights dim.

The first drop falls,

Indside and out.

I wipe away the tear that falls,

As the rain drops hit the ground.

On top of a mound,

I stand in the rain.

My tears hit with the main,

It rains outside but also inside.

Don't Leave

Don't leave me like this

You would be terribly missed

If you feel like I'm not doing enough

Then that's tough

You know people love you

I love you too

And you know people will cry

Even if they don't try

Don't leave me like this

You know you can't do that
