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    October, 2004  

                    All these things you asked of me, the things I did for myself and for you are things that I would have never have done for anyone else. I owed you, all of you, for finding me in Indigo Tears, my piano tutor. And there is one thing you must understand, mentor, I did not learn all of these things you taught me because I was subservient to you, but because I knew so little about the world and you had so much to teach me. Those parents used me as a pawn in a Shadows war, the kind Gwydion that accepted us when it was all over. But with you I felt the freedom beyond my House flaw, the freedom to do anything, everything that my imagination could dream. The dream was that of beauty and art. That freedom was the only thing that mattered. 

It's night now, dark. Under the glow from the lamp on the vanity table my hair is gleaming, a few fine strands curl down over my cheeks and throat, lifted and stirred by my breath. I am proud of the beauty I am. I am not the trapped Rapunzel in the stories. I am the siren, the Delilah; I have ensnared and captured adoration. Out from the window I see the sky sparkle under a scattering of stars and the curve of a crescent moon. There's a young man sleeping in the bed, lost to Dreams. Whatever he may have thought, he is mine now.

And when I ask him if he trusts me, he murmurs and nods. I feel him trembling in my embrace. And I am excited too, profoundly so, by this new journey that he will take into the unknown. And perhaps, for the first time he will feel a little bit of fear. And I might feel a little bit of love. I know what will happen next. His lips brush mine and I hear his voice. He adores me.

The breeze from the breeze from the open window ruffles my hair and slides up my arms, breaking the surface of my skin into goose bumps, mixing with the scent of dying roses and Glamour, rank and sweet as we embrace and I Rhapsodize him... I whisper his name. That is the only other sound I make as he slumps limply back onto the bed. This is the lesson of his love and desire. And more than anything else in the world I wanted him to learn it. I listen as he settles beside me in fitful sleep, listen to the mad rhythm of his breathing, I listen to that last sound, his crying.  It is a cry that is ten times more unendurable than pain.

And I wonder if I will ever do it again.