Hi everyone! My name is Kelly and I'm the Quote Angel! You want a quote for the special someone, a good argument or just to spice up your page you will find it here! Still Under Constrution!

"Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits into this empty place in your heart."

"Friends are the angels sent down to earth to make good days and help us find our way."

"You've got to dance like nobody's watching, and love like its never going to hurt."

"Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you feel you can take it, never say you don't love that person anymore when you can't let go."

"One day I will be able to look you in the eye without feeling the pain I've caused. One day I will be able to stand next to you without wanting to hold your hand. One day I'll get over you. I'm sorry that day hasn't come."

"No man is worth your tears and the one who is won't make you cry."

"Immature love says,"I love you because I need you." Mature love says,"I need you because I love you."

"I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday, just to be with you again."

"You'd think that after all this time I wouldn't feel the same...but time melts into nothing and nothings changed."

"How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out till your torn apart..."

"When you kissed me and told me you loved me, I thought you meant it...shame on me for kissing you with my eyes closed so tightly."

"A man is a king. A king is a ruler. A ruler is 12 inches...still think you're a man?"

"Every guy is afraid of something...that's how you know he loves you...when he's afraid of losing you."

"If a rose represents love, then why does it always die?"

"When you love someone put their name in a circle, not a heart. Hearts can break, but a circle goes on forever."

"Love isn't who you can picture yourself with. Its who you can't picture yourself without."

"A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love...a hug is just a hug till you find the one you've been thinking of...a dream is just a dream till it comes true...love is just a word till its proven to you."

"There's no "I" in S-L-U-T but there is a "U".

"One day you'll want me as I wanted you. One day you'll think of me as I thought of you. One day you'll cry for me as I cried for you. One day you'll love me but I won't love you."

"A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel."

"If life hands you lemons...throw them at life's head and yell,"I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS!"

"I want to crawl into my dream world and stay there, so that the pain yesterday brought won't carry on to tomorrow."

"It is wonderful to be loved and to lvoe. It's horrible to love and not be loved. But it's the most horrible to tell someone who loves you deeply that you don't love them and watch their heart shatter in front of your eyes."

"I want to scream. I want to shout. I want to have faith and never doubt. I want to bend, I want to break, to sleep and never wake. To break down walls and to escape, be alone and hide my face. I want to feel, I want to touch. I want to stop wanting it so much."

"You decided that you needed to paint a picture of love so you chose my heart as the canvas. But like all great painters, when you became discouraged with your work you destroyed it...as you did my heart."

"Tears are the rinse water of an unhappy heart."

"Men can only break your heart so many times before it finally shatters and you lose all hope."

"If you look inside me and let me open myself up to you, you'd see how much more there is to me than you'd ever know."

"I loved greater because of you, and now I hate greater too."

"The candle was lit, the aroma filled the air. After the flame blew out, something was still there."

"I wish I was a little girl, because it is easier to mend a broken doll than a broken heart."

"True love? I used to believe it existed, but when you've had your heart torn out and thrown on the floor, you just don't care anymore."

"I wanna take your misery and turn it to happiness, but I need your faith in me."

"Love can heal the deepest wounds, but it can also create them."

"It makes me so mad because I want to be happy so bad."

"Why me? Why do you have to choose me to fall into your little trap? Is it real this time? Because you've done it before and completely shattered my heart. And I still fall for you again. Please don't hurt me again. I don't think I can handle it."

"Death is merely a release from this hell we call life."

"I wish I could be happy for everyone, or make their day bright, but whats the point of making other people happy if you're not happy yourself."

"Time will not heal these wounds and I'm bleeding because of you."

"There's always a part of you deep down inside that's always smiling."

"I can tell by your tears you will remember it all."

"You always smile, but in your eyes your sorrow shows."

"For once I wish one of my wishes would come true...then maybe life wouldn't seem so bad."

"To avoid getting hurt...sometimes you have to hide things from everyone, especially yourself."

"When I cut myself I feel so much better. All the little things that might have been annoying me suddenly seem so trivial, because I'm concentrating on the pain."

"Suicide is not so much the desire to die as it is the fear of living."

"Sometimes you must be hurt in order to grow, fail in order to succeed, and lose in order to gain, because some lessons can only be learned through pain."

"You can't hurt someone unless you really mean something to them."

"After all the stops and starts, we keep coming back to these two hearts. Two angels who've been rescued from the fall and after all that we've been through it all comes down to me and you. I guess its meant to be. Forever you and me. After all..."

"Two halves make a whole. That's how I felt about us...I was only half a person until you came along."

"Since the first time you ran your fingers through my hair, since the first time our hands became one, since the first time your kisses took away my pain...I knew I'd never be the same."

"I'm a blonde, what's your excuse?"

"Life isn't a garden...so stop being a hoe."

"I told my dad I stopped raising hell and he called me a quitter."

"Scientists say that 1 out of every 4 people is crazy, check 3 friends, if they're ok, you're it."

"I'm not inconsiderate! I just honestly don't give a shit!"

"B" is for beautiful "I" is for intelligent "T" is for talented "C" is for caring "H" is for how hard I'm going to hit you for calling me a bitch!"

"It hurts to see you walk away. For admit it or not, you were an important part of my life and that time we shared will forever be a part of me. So even though I realized that it was never meant to be, still, it hurts."

"There's still a part of me that wants to take you in my arms, just like it used to be...but I've changed."

"How can I trust my heart when its let me down before."

"Being strong sometimes means being able to let go."

"Our love is like the ocean, it may have its storms, but it will always be clear in the end."

"When the span of forever just never seems long enough, that's how you know its love."

"If home is where the heart is, then as long as I'm with you, I will be at home."

"Darkness has no eyes, and revenge no soul."

"Life is like a dick. When it gets hard f*ck it!"

"You can judge me all you want, just keep the verdict to yourself."

"You must be constipated cuz your full of sh*t!"

"God created men first because you always need a rough draft before making a masterpiece!"

"I'm a bitch and I've got class, mess with me and I'll kick your ass. So all you preps who think you're cool...f*ck you all cuz bitches rule!"

"I'm loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted plenty!"

"I'm not crazy...I'm just intellectually independent."

"Don't jump to conclusions you may fall on your face."

"Don't follow in my footsteps....I run into walls."

"There's one pain I often feel, which you'll never know...its caused by the absence of you."

"I'm going to fall in love with you, but you don't have to love me back."

"Nothing you confess can make me love you less."

"My love for you starts at forever and ends at never."

"You know that place between asleep? The place where you remember your dreams? That's where I'll be waiting. That's where I'll always love you." -Tinkerbell

"When people push you away that's when they need you the most."

"Time is the fire in which we burn."

"How will you know I'm hurting if you can't see my pain."

"Any man can be a father but it takes a real man to be a daddy."

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